The governor ordered the membership to include the secretaries of administration;
ment relations; health and social services; industry, labor and human relations;
regulation and
licensing; and the UW system president or their designees. Other required
members included a
representative of the hospital industry and 2 representatives of United Professionals
for Quality
Health Care, Local 1199-W; 4 representatives from the legislature to be designated
by the assem-
bly speaker, the senate president, and senate majority and minority leaders;
and the director of
the VTAE board. The governor requested that each of the represented executive
agencies bear
equally the expenses associated with the committee. The committee was required
to report to the
governor by April 15, 1988.
  The committee issued its "Report" on April 15, 1988, and disbanded.

                   Occupational Information Coordinating Council, State
Members: MICHAEL MAHONEY, chairperson; JOHN COUGHLIN (secretary of industry,
labor and
  human relations), GLENN DAVISON (interim director, vocational, technical
and adult educa-
  tion), PATRICIA GOODRICH (secretary of health and social services), HERBERT
GROVER (superin-
  tendent of public instruction), FRED LUBER, BRUNO MAUER (secretary of development),
  NETH A. SHAW (president, UW System).
Executive director: MAILE PA'ALANI.
Address: Division of Employment and Training Policy, Department of Industry,
Labor and
  Human Relations, Room 231X, 201 East Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 7946,
Telephone: (608) 266-8012.
  Governor Earl created the council on May 15, 1985, in Executive Order 75,
and Governor
Thompson recreated it in Executive Order 1, January 21, 1987. The council
is directed to oversee
the planning, coordination, and implementation of a comprehensive, cost-effective
system for the labor market and occupational supply and demand, as required
under Section 125
(a) of the Job Training Partnership Act and 422 (b) of the Carl D. Perkins
Vocational Education
  The membership consists of the heads, or their representatives, of the
State Board of Voca-
tional, Technical and Adult Education; the Department of Public Instruction;
the University of
Wisconsin System; the Department of Development; the Department of Health
and Social Ser-
vices; and the State Job Training Coordinating Council. According to national
the secretary of the Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations designates
2 members
to represent the department's Job Service Division and Employment and Training
   Fiscal responsibility for the council belongs to the Department of Industry,
Labor and Human
Relations. The department provides the administrative director of the council,
as required by
the National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee.
   The council issued "Wisconsin Works, A Career Tabloid" in 1989.

                                  Pardon Advisory Board
   (appointed by governor); STEPHEN TUPPER (designee of secretary of health
and social services),
   PAUL LUNDSTEN (designee of attorney general).
 Chairperson: RAYMOND P. TAFFORA, legal counsel.
 Address: Office of the Governor, Room 115 East, State Capitol, P.O. Box
7863, Madison 53707.
 Telephone: (608) 266-1212.
   Governor Dreyfus created the Pardon Advisory Board in Executive Order
39 on March 6,
 1980. Governor Thompson recreated and restructured the board in Executive
Order 3, on Feb-
 ruary 3, 1987. The board consists of 6 members, serving 2-year terms. Three
of the members are
 appointed by the governor, one member is designated by the secretary of
health and social ser-
 vices, and one member is designated by the attorney general. The governor's
legal counsel or
 assistant legal counsel is a voting member and chairs the board.