MEMBERS OF STATE LEGISLATURE                                      61

           Representative                 Representative                Representative
             LOUCKS                        LEHMAN                       VERGERONT

Steven D. Loucks (Rep.), 58th Assembly District
  Born St. Paul, Minnesota, September 8, 1961. Graduate Homestead H.S., Mequon;
B.A. in political science
and history, Marquette U. 1983. Independent consultant. Former associate
government relations director for
a manufacturing association and a legislative assistant to U.S. Senator Robert
W. Kasten, Jr. Member Re-
publican Party of Ozaukee Co. (finance chin.); American Cancer Society, Ozaukee
County South Unit (bd.
mbr.); Deutschstadt Heritage Foundation of Germantown; Mequon-Thiensville
Rotary Club; Republican
Party of Washington County. Former member Associated Students of Marquette
U. (pres.).
  Elected to Assembly 1988. Biennial committee assignments: 1989 - Commerce
and Consumer Affairs;
Small Business, Employment and Training; Transportation; Urban Education.
  Telephone: Capitol: (608) 266-3756; District: (414) 242-4557.
  Voting address: 5547 West Parkview Drive 116N, Mequon 53092.
  Mailing address: (office) Room 327 West, State Capitol, P.O. Box 8952,
Madison 53708.

Michael A. Lehman (Rep.), 59th Assembly District
  Born Rice Lake, April 24, 1943; married; 3 children. Graduate Hartford
Union H.S.; attended MATC and
MPTI. Full-time legislator. Former salesman, hospital and road construction
employe. Member Hartford
Lions; Hartford Memorial Hospital Volunteers Fund Raisers; Dodge County and
Washington County Re-
publican Parties; Wis. Farm Bureau. Former member Hartford Volunteer Fire
Dept.; Hospital Engineers
Assn.; Laborer local; Operating Engineers local.
  Elected to Assembly 1988. Biennial committee assignments: 1989 - Criminal
Justice and Public Safety;
Excise and Fees; Highways; Housing, Securities and Corporate Policy.
  Telephone: Capitol: (608) 267-2367; District: (414) 673-7979.
  Voting address: 1317 Honeysuckle Road, Hartford 53027.
  Mailing address: (office) Room 310 West, State Capitol, P.O. Box 8952,
Madison 53708.

Susan B. Vergeront (Rep.), 60th Assembly District
  Born Milwaukee, Nov. 30, 1945; married; 3 children. Graduate Manitowoc
Lincoln H.S.; B.S. in political
science, UW-Madison 1967. Public relations consultant. Former community relations
coordinator for cham-
ber of commerce, Wis. Legislative Council research staff. Member Grafton
Chamber of Commerce; Ozaukee
Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse (dir.); Grafton Jaycee Women (past vice
pres., state dir.); U.S. Jaycee
Women's Congress; Ozaukee and Sheboygan Cos. Rep. Party; American Legislative
Exchange Council (Wis.
chairperson). Former member A.A.U.W.; Ozaukee Day Care Center (bd. vice pres.).
Wis. Jaycee Outstanding
Young Wisconsinite 1981. Served on Grafton Bd. of Education 1981 to 1987.
  Elected to Assembly 1984; reelected since 1986. Biennial committee assignments:
1989 - Small Business,
Employment and Training (ranking minority member); Urban Education; Ways
and Means (also 1987); For-
ward Wis., Inc.; Women's Council (chp., also 1987); Coastal Management Council
(also 1987). 1987- Labor
(ranking minority mbr., mbr. 1985); Colleges and Universities (eff. 4/28/87);
Trade, Industry and Small Busi-
ness; Legis. Coun. Corns. on Child Care Regulation, on Targeted Educational
Services. 1985 - Economic
Development; Energy; Legis. Coun. Coms. on International Trade, on Pregnancy
Options (eff. 1/31/85), on
Primary Prevention (eff. 1/3/85).
  Telephone: Capitol: (608) 267-2369; District: (414) 377-9617.
  Voting address: 390 Vista View Drive, Cedarburg 53012.
  Mailing address: (office) Room 312 West, State Capitol, P.O. Box 8953,
Madison 53708; (district) 390 Vista
View Dr., Cedarburg 53012.