1982- 1988
                              Annual Average (In Thousands)

Item                                      1982     1983     1984     1985
    1986      1987     1988
Civilian labor force..................... 2,450.0 2,425.0  2,394.0  2,373.0
 2,403.0  2,491.0  2,575.0
Unemployment.........................     261.0    253.0     176.0    171.0
   169.0    152.0    110.0
  % of labor force......................   10.7     10.4      7.4       7.2
     7.0      6.1      4.3
Employment ........2,189.0                        2,172.0  2,218.0  2,202.0
 2,234.0  2,339.0  2,465.0
  Nonfarm wage and salary................1,867.2  1,864.6  1,941.1  1,983.1
 2,023.9  2,089.6  2,149.0
    Manufacturing.....................    496.3    484.1    517.8     513.9
   514.5    528.7    550.6
    Wholesale and retail trade............ 429.6   433.3    453.8     465.1
   477.2    494.3    505.9
    Government........................319.1        312.5    313.6     320.6
   325.6    325.0    326.2
    Services and miscellaneous.............384.0   388.6    403.9     419.0
   434.9    459.8    479.9
    Transportation and public utilities .... 87.0   88.1     89.7      94.2
    93.7     95.0     97.4
    Contract construction ................ 52.1     57.7     58.3      64.6
     68      72.2     71.5
    Finance, insurance and real estate .... 97.2    98.6     102.2    103.8
   108.1    112.6    115.4
    M ining............................     1.8      1.9       1.8      1.9
     1.9      2.0      2.2
Source: Wisconsin Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations, Bureau
of Research and Statistics, departmen-
  tal data, February 1988.

                           MANUFACTURING EMPLOYES
                      BY INDUSTRY GROUP IN WISCONSIN

                                                          Employes (mid-March
pay period)
Industry Group                              1981     1982       1983    
  1984      1985       1986
Machinery, except electrical................. 113,944  105,055 84,986   
 92,496     90,937     89,348
Food and kindred products.................. 54,224   53,727    50,275   
 50,206     50,023     48,899
Fabricated metal productsa................. 52,212   48,219    42,948   
 46,628     47,550     47,743
Electric and electronic equipment............ 53,760 48,098    44,445   
 45,233     44,571     42,512
Paper and allied products................... 41,955  41,692    42,010   
 42,192     41,513     41,815
Printing and publishing..................... 30,735  32,832    31,703   
 34,920     36,813     39,160
Transportation equipment..................  23,440   26,377    26,799   
 33,503     33,626     31,395
Primary metal industries.................... 26,895  25,172     18,900  
 19,926     21,065     21,977
Rubber and plastics products................ 18,168  17,424     15,740  
 18,469     19,451     20,178
Lumber and wood products..................  19,866   17,065     17,560  
 20,659     19,757     20,027
Miscellaneous manufacturing................ 10,574   10,264     8,722   
  9,218      9,411     10,607
Instruments and related products............. 11,179 10,178     8,956   
  9,569      9,808     10,304
Chemicals and allied products................ 9,059   8,483     8,866   
  8,463      8,114      8,421
Furniture and fixtures...................... 8,603    8,470     8,856   
 10,206     10,721      8,268
Leather and leather products.................9,090    8,337     7,878   
  7,621      7,246      7,581
Stone, clay and glass products............... 8,222   6,925     6,677   
  7,319      7,285      6,614
Appareltand related products ................5,504    5,556     4,964   
  5,228      4,791      4,736
Textile products...........................  3,423    3,393     3,764   
  3,985      3,969      4,062
    TOTALz............................. 527,438     504,002   460,297   
493,342    497,833    494,106
'Data may not be strictly comparable for various years due to changes in
2Totals include workers in petroleum and coal products, tobacco manufactures,
and administrative and auxiliary employes
  not listed separately.
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, County Business Patterns 1986 - Wisconsin,
May 1988, and previous issues.