was saved, and the chiefs were prisoners, at the mercy
of the whites! The commander paused for a moment,
and then addressing his mortified foe, said: "You
came to me with a lie upon your lips! You came to
me with the belief that I would trust your lying
tongues, so that, in a moment of confusion, you could
dash upon my defenseless men and massacre them all
in cold blood! But, thank God, your plans have failed,
and I have only to give the word, and both you and
your warriors and your women and your children, will
be blotted from the face of the earth forever! See my
big guns pointing down upon them? See twenty bul-
lets aimed at your hearts! Mark my power! Treach-
erous, lying, deceitful dogs! the paleface has met you
with your own weapons; shall he deal out to you that
which you intended to deal out to him? No; if the
paleface is brave, he is also magnanimous! If the pale-
face has beaten you by precautionary measures, he is
also generous! If the paleface has you and your people
in his power, he can afford to be great, grand and mer-
  Then rising and waving his hand, he said to his
astonished enemies: "Go!" A universal "ho! ho!"
(yes, yes; bravo!) followed the remark of the officer,
when the Indians arose and, marching boldly to the
commander, the head chief said:
  " You have saved the lives of our people! You have
saved our own lives! You have taught us how to
live! You have shown us that the heart of the pale-
face is good-that the heart of the Indian is bad. We
come no longer to you with two tongues. We come
to you in the presence of the Great Spirit, whom we
wish to bear testimony to the fact, that from this day,
