I continue to hope that PriMin can make good his promise to us,
of spring 1945, that Queen and her children will always be protected
from harm and that when constitutional questions solved family will
be permitted to leave country. I know that easy explanation of more
dramatic solution, namely liquidation of family, or at any rate of
Child King, would be that irresponsible elements had brought to
naught Government’s honest intention of protecting family and per-
mitting their unrestrained departure upon establishment Republic,
I know also that such explanations in line with Communist thought
and action, and that Communists are considerably perturbed by prob-
lem what to be done with Queen Mother and two children. Fact that
Georgi Dimitrov has not yet answered in sense of Government mes-
sage that all will be well, is further reason for concern over what may
be in store for Queen Mother and her children.

Am deeply conscious identity views between myself and Depart-
ment to effect that ACC has definite responsibility this matter. In my
opinion individual responsibility each representative on Commission
could not be disclaimed on grounds of collective responsibility and
failure Russians to act, especially in view cavalier manner in which
General Biryusov has always disregarded presence on Commission
Generals Robertson and Oxley. In other words, should my fears
about safety Queen and her children be substantiated by some un-
toward event, decision that makes them prisoners in effect, either in
Bulgaria or Russia, I would feel world censure could justifiably be
directed against US and UK as well as against Russian and Bul-
garian Governments. Am making no recommendations as to what
action might be best under circumstances as I feel responsibility in-

volved so grave as to require Department charting course.

Sent Department, repeated Paris for Delsec as 146.



740.00119 Council/8—746 : Telegram
Lhe Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at Paris

TOP SECRET Wasuineton, August 7, 1946—8 p. m.

8924, Secdel 619. For Secretary and Matthews. Subject your ap-
proval recommend following action be taken re Sofia’s 146 (603 Aug 3
to Dept). Safety of Queen Mother and her children has also been

subject of approach to Leg Cairo by her father, ex-King Victor Em-
manuel, and other family members,°°


” The approach referred to here was reported in telegram 1307, August 2, 1946,

fen (874.0011/8-246). The former Italian king was living in exile in