ports indicate recent Soviet troop movements and increases into Bul-
garia and with these developments coupled with efforts to build up
air fields and other bases in Albania, I think it is a poor time to call
back our representative in Sofia.

H. Freeman MatrHews


874.00/3-1346: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes)™

TOP SECRET WasHIne6ToN, March 23, 1946—4 p. m.

93. Personal for Barnes from the Secretary. In your telegram no.
936 of March 13, 1946 you state that the Moscow Agreement as to’—
Bulgaria was conceived by the Soviet Government alone. That is
not correct. You also say that the Agreement helps only the Soviet
Union. I feel that you should know that it is im conflict with the i :
views of your Government as to the advantages to be derived by carry-
ing out in good faith the terms of the Moscow Agreement.

I think, as you will understand, that it 1s important that while rep-
resenting this Government at Sofia you should be careful to refrain
from making such statements.



874.00 /3—2546 : Telegram

The Representative in Bulgaria (Barnes) to the Secretary of State

TOP SECRET Soria, March 25, 1946—6 p. m.
URGENT [Received March 26—6:50 a. m.]

266. Personal for the Secretary from Barnes. In London Mr.

Vyshinski said to Mr. Cohen that we might use our influence with
Bulgarian Opposition to enter Government under Moscow decision.
I believe time has come when message from you to Opposition and to
Kimon Georgiev, if this is at all possible under Moscow decision and
In view of what Vyshinski said in London, might bring about imme-
diate implementation of decision.

Negotiations between Georgiev and Petkov have reached following
point: Georgiev has offered Ministry of Justice and “Assistant Min- —~
istry of Interior” to Opposition. Georgiev seems prepared to meet
Petkov’s insistence on general amnesty and release of Opposition mem-
bers from concentration camps. He, however, remains adamant
against Opposition’s demand for new elections for Ordinary Nations ©
[National ?|] Assembly before signature of peace. Important mem-

“The text of this telegram is substantially the same as the original draft
prepared by the Secretary himself.
