they have fled country because of fear of current purge imposed by
Georgi Dimitrov and General Biryusov;
  (3) That out of 800 "nonpolitical" lawyers throughout country
who signed protests to govt against illegal arrest and condemnation of
Pastuhkov,29 already 200 are in concentration camps;
  (4) That throughout country those who do not support FF are
finding it increasingly difficult and almost impossible to obtain work,
food, clothing, and lodging;
  (5) That today it has been officially announced that FF "numerous
clauses" will be imposed by all educational institutions on students
already entered or applying for entrance;
  (6) That since departure of opposition from grovt July 1945, state
employees have been increased from less than 150,000 to 288,000, this
increase being represented almost entirely by persons beholden to
  (7) That only one opposition newspaper Social Democratic
ASvobodefl Narod is tolerated and this under pain of publishing no
serious criticisms of Govt;
  (8) That about 1000 cases of "illegal enrichment" are about to
presented to courts and that in state budget "revenues" from this
source during current year are "estimated" at 13 billion levas.
  I know from sources unconnected with three opposition leaders that
foregoing substantially correct. I agree with three leaders in belief
that this state of affairs dictated largely by Georgi Dimitrov and
General Biryusov in preparation for so-called free elections promised
by Kolarov in his talk with Mr. Byrnes.
  To complete foregoing estimate of local political situation as it has
evolved in past 10 days, I should add following: before military
purge measure (see mytel 504, July 1 30) enacted some days ago
Biryusov named 700 officers to Veltchev for summary dismissal.
Veltchev refused maintaining that dossiers must be examined and
regular dismissal proceedings instituted in each instance where prima
facie case of disloyalty established. Biryusov then reduced number
to 100 outstanding officers. Again Veltchev insisted on regular es-
tablished dismissal procedure. Since then Communists and Com-
munist dominated FF press has launched open and vicious attack on
War Minister alleging on basis of statements made at Belgrade trial
that Veltchev was formerly in touch with Draga Mihailovitch 31 and
is in fact notorious opponent of Soviet influence. Veltchev has issued
stinging denial. At same time Communists and Communist donmi-

  29 Social Democratic Party leader Krustyu Pastuhov, arrested in February
on the charge of writing newspaper articles aimed at impairing the military
efficiency of the Bulgarian Army, was on trial during June 1946. He was found
guilty and was sentenced to 5 years' imprisonment.
  0 Not printed.
  3 Gen. Draza Mihailovic, leader of the Yugoslav Chetnik Resistance Forces
Minister of Defense of the Yugoslav Government in Exile during World War
executed in July 1946 for alleged wartime treason.