vague statements by agitator at a Moscow factory last spring that
USSR had produced atomic bomb, announcement at a variety show in
July that first Soviet atomic bomb had been exploded, statement by
Soviet observer upon return from Bikini that USSR would soon con-
duct tests.
  This atomic gossip fits in with general pattern of Soviet display of
military might most recently exemplified in ostentatious tank parade
September 8.
  While we are inclined to view with considerable skepticism specific
atomic rumors which have come to our attention, we do not feel it
would be safe to assume in general that USSR has not yet developed
atomic bomb. Until there is pretty conclusive evidence one way or
another, it would seem to be sound to proceed on assumption that
USSR may have produced and tested or will soon produce and test
atomic bombs.
711.00/9-1646: Telegram
7Ihe Chharge' in the Soviet Union (Durbrow) to the Secretary of State

                                       Moscow, September 16, 1946.
                               [Received September 16-6: 31 a. m.]
  3484. While reproducing lengthy passages from    Pepper's 42 and
Robeson's 43 speeches at Madison Square Garden, Soviet press Sep-
tember 15 carries only following brief allusion Wallace's speech:44
  "Wallace and Senator Pepper appealed for improvement in Soviet
US relations and demanded return Roosevelt's foreign policy.
  Audience loudly applauded those portions Wallace's speech in
which he censured imperialism and speculation on threat of war, and
it greeted with shouts of disapproval certain of his statements di-
rected against USSR."
  This is first reference to his speech that has appeared in Soviet
  Sent to Dept as 3484; repeated AmEmbassy Paris 358, AmEmbassy
London 369.

  4' Claude Pepper, Senator from Florida.
  4' Paul Robeson, Negro singer and leader.
  Speech given by Secretary of Commerce Henry A. Wallace on September 12,
which contained passages critical of the foreign policy being followed by
dent Truman and Secretary of State Byrnes, especially toward the Soviet Union.
Ioor text, see the Washington Post, September 13, 1946, p. 16. For remarks
by President Truman in regard to this speech at his news conference of Sep-
tember 12, see Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Harry
Truman, 1946 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1962), pp. 426428
passim; and for remarks at his news conference of September 20 when he
announced that he had asked Secretary Wallace to resign from the Cabinet,
ibid., p. 431.