further consideration of matters included in proposed interim com-
-mercial agreement pending multilateral discussions of proposed ITO
  [Here follows text and Department's explanation of the revised
wording of certain paragraphs in the proposed exchange of notes to
accompany the Export-Import Bank loan to Czechoslovakia. The
revisions were those agreed upon by Czechoslovak and American nego-
tiators at a meeting on September 4.]

740.00119 Council/9-1746: Telegram
      The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State

TOP SECRET                      PARIS, September 17, 1946-2 p. m.
                                             [Received 2: 14 p. m.]
  4658. Delsec 957. For Clayton from the Secretary. Instructions
to OFLC have been carried out and further sales of surplus property
to Czech Govt suspended September 13. Czech representatives have
been informed of this action. Goods will be delivered in fulfillment
of specific contracts concluded prior to issuance of OFLC suspension
  In light of recommendation in mytel 4368, Delsec 877 August 30,
I wish you would give serious consideration to pending Ex-Im credit
to Czech Govt. I do not consider it desirable to subsidize present gov-
ernment or contribute in any way to official propaganda presenting
US financial assistance as imperialist move to "enslave" Eastern
European states. If you consider current negotiations with Hanc
have not reached the state of a definite commitment on our part to
proceed with loan I wish to suspend further negotiations for loan.
  Repeated Praha as 117.
860F.24/9-1846: Telegram
The Amnbassador in Czechoslovakia (Steinhardt) to the Secretary
                            of State 66

TOP SECRET                    PRAHA, September 18, 1946-10 a. m.
URGENT                                       [Received 1: 50 p. m.]
  1686. Personal for Clayton from the Ambassador. The "confiden-
tial enclosure" is a brief statement referring to the protocol of Sep-
tember 14, 1946 specifying "that the goods Rumania is seeking to
obtain for its own consumption are the goods from surpluses of Ameri-
  " The text of this telegram was transmitted to the Secretary of State
in tele-
gram 5061, Secdel 980, September 24, to Paris, not printed.
