censorship which the Roumaiiian Government exercises over the press
and by the refusal of any facilities for free speech.
  (5) "It has further been brought to the attention of His Majesty's
Government that the arrangements for registering voters are not pro-
ceeding in accordance with the provisions of the electoral law. It is
noted that in Bucharest the time limit for registration has been re-
stricted to fifteen days, which is too short a time to allow all those
wishing to vote to have their names inscribed in the registers. More-
over, there is evidence that local authorities responsible for the regis-
tration of voters are requesting details of the applicants' political
views and are discriminating against voters on the basis of such decla-
rations or because of their known political views. Registration books
have been refused to many persons and the number of persons figuring
on the published lists of voters is often considerably less than the
number of persons who endeavoured to register.
  (6) "In view of the foregoing, His Majesty's Government wish to
emphasise that among other conditions it is essential, in the carrying
out of the elections as envisaged by the Crimea and Potsdam
      (a) That all democratic and anti-Nazi parties should be al-
    lowed equal facilities to conduct their election campaigns without
    discriminatory restriction of normal electoral activities and
    without the threat of physical intimidation. The phrase, 'all
    democratic and anti-Nazi parties' should clearly include the fol-
    lowing, namely -
        National Peasant Party-led by M. Iuliu Maniu
        The National Liberal Party-led by M. Constantine Bratianu
        The Social Democratic Independent Party-led by M. Con-
            stantine Titel Petrescu.
      (b) That all these parties should be represented on all electoral
    commissions at all levels, and that the votes should be counted in
    the presence of representatives of all parties.
      (c) That the official record of the results should be published
    immediately in each voting district.
       (d) That there should be an adequate system of appealing to
    an independent authority in the event of election disputes; and
      (e) That adequate time and facilities should be granted so as
    to enable all members of the electorate to register and that no
    person should be required to state his political views or be discrim-
    inated against on account of his known political views.
  (7) "His Majesty's Government are confident that the Roumanian
Government will take into account the views represented above when
making arrangements for this election.
  (8) "The United Kingdom political representative in Bucharest
has on several occasions requested information as to the date on which
elections are to be held. Mr. Bevin trusts that a reply will now be
  3. His Majesty's Embassy is instructed to ask for an early expres-
sion of opinion by the State Department on the text of the above note