1. In connection with your letter of April 20, concerning Rumania,
I inform you as follows at the instruction of the MinFonAff, Molotov.
  2. The Soviet Govt cannot agree with the opinion of the Govt of
the USA that the present Rumanian Govt, while trying to create the
appearance of carrying out the assurances which it gave in connection
with the decisions of the Conference of the Ministers of Foreign Af-
fairs in Moscow in December, 1945, is in reality striving to circumvent
the commitments which it has made. The information set forth in
your letter concerning several cases of the short-term closing down
of newspapers which had printed provocational attacks against Allied
states, which cannot be tolerated under any conditions provides no
foundation for the assertion that the freedom to express political opin-
ions is limited in Rumania. Similarly, there is no basis for speaking
of discrimination of a political character in Rumania in the distribu-
tion of newsprint.
  3. As regards freedom of assembly, here also there is no basis for
the assertion that there has recently been an increase of political vio-
lence. The assertions that cases of the disruption of meetings by orga-
nized bands of hooligans bear evidence of official institution on the part
of the Rumanian Govt, as is stated in the letter of A pril 20 are utterly
groundless and apparently the result of dishonest and tendentious
information from reactionary elements.
  4. I must say that the statement contained in your letter of April 20
that legal proceedings against persons charged as responsible for the
demonstrations of November 8, 1945 have not thus far been halted does
not correspond to fact, since according to report of the Allied Control
Commission, no judicial proceedings against these persons have been,
or are being, carried out.
  5. As regards preparations for the elections, the Allied Control
Commission reports, on the basis of data at its disposal, that such
preparations are being effected. At present time work is being com-
pleted on the drafting of an electoral law with a view towards the
holding of elections in the very near future (v bli2haishee t'remya),
after the draft has been approved and the voters' lists drawn up.
  6. In view of the circumstances set forth above, the Soviet Govt sees
no ground for the three powers approaching the Rumanian Govt with
the statement indicated in the letter of April 20.

740.00119 Control (Rumania) /5-946: Telegram
The Representative in Rumania (Berry) to the Secretary of State

SECRET                            BUCHAREST, May 9, 1946-5 p. m.
                                     [Received May 10-5: 20 p. m.]
  484. Russian ACC officials suggest that ACC propose to Rumanian
Govt adoption of following five point program in view of facilitating
Rumanian economic recovery:
   (1) Organization of centralized industrial planning agency.
   (2) Establishment of Government control over export and import
of all goods with special attention to early import of essential raw
materials and semi-fished products.