In fact in the decision of the Conference of the three Ministers in
Moscow in December 1945 only two conditions are provided for.
These conditions are to the effect that the two representatives of other
democratic groups who are to be included in the Bulgarian Govern-
  (a) be truly representative of the groups of the parties not partici-
pating in the Government and
  (b) be really suitable and work loyally together with the Govern-
  No other conditions in the decision on Bulgaria were adopted at
the Moscow Conference.
  In view of the foregoing the Soviet Government deems necessary to
state the following:
  Firstly, the statement of the United States Government made to the
Bulgarian Government on February 22 does not correspond with the
taken in Moscow decision concerning Bulgaria, since nothing is said
in the decision of the Moscow Conference that the representatives of
the opposition have to enter the Bulgarian Government on the basis
of some mutually acceptable conditions.
  Secondly, the said statement of the United States Government is
the violation of the Moscow decision of the three Ministers since a new
condition for the participation in the Bulgarian Government of the
representatives of the opposition, not provided for in this decision, is
set forth in this statement.
  Thirdly, the Soviet Government had already drawn the attention
of the United States Government to the fact that Mr. Barnes, the
representative of the United States in Bulgaria, systematically in-
cited Bulgarian opposition leaders to act not on the basis of the
decision of the three Ministers, but to set forth new conditions for en-
tering the Bulgarian Government not provided for by the Moscow Con-
ference. The statement of the United States Government made to
the Bulgarian Government on February 22 is inspired by the same
tendency as the actions of Mr. Barnes and it may only encourage
the representatives of the Bulgarian opposition to resist the decision
of the Conference of the Three Ministers.
  Thus the Government of the United States not only did not take
any measures to contribute to the fulfillment of the decision of the
Moscow Conference of the Three Ministers, but, on the contrary, by its
statement of February 22 moves the opposition to a breach of the de-
cision taken with the participation of the representatives of the United
States at the Moscow Conference.
  It is necessary to note the fact, that the said statement of the United
States Government was made unilaterally, and without any attempt