by American aircraft.63 Yugo Govt has likewise not replied to that
  Yugo Govt in its note of May 24, 1946 (which, it appears relevant
to point out, was not received by AmEmb Belgrade until May 27)
demands that Embs remaining air link with its Govt be severed onl
date arbitrarily set by Yugo Govt without replacement by any Amer
civil air service. Peremptory nature of Yugo note and its statement
that Emb aircraft cannot be used in Yugo after June 1 strongly sug-
gests that Yugo Govt does not wish to discuss a matter which US
Govt considers of vital importance to efficient functioning of AmEmb
Belgrade. US Govt has assigned number of aircraft to its diplomatic
missions abroad without question having arisen as to use of such
planes. Contrary to opinion expressed by Yugo Govt, US Govt con-
siders that use by AmEmb Belgrade of Emb aircraft is particularly
necessary for at least so long as adequate US civil air facilities are
lacking. In absence such facilities Emb is dependent upon its own
aircraft for communications and transport of its official supplies and
  Attitude of Yugos Govt this matter cannot but, in US view, be
said to fall short of that wholehearted cooperation which the US on
its part desires to exercise. In recognizing and establishing relations
with present Yugo Govt, US Govt proceeded on assumption that there
are no unsurmountable obstacles to maintenance of cordial and mu-
tually profitable relations between US and Yugo provided there
exists mutual good will and willingness to settle disagreements by
frank and friendly consultation. Good will of US Govt and people
towards Yugo has been manifested in many ways. not least of which
has been major contribution of US to UNRRA activities in Yugo, a
contribution of which Yugo Govt is fully aware.
  US Govt hopes that Yugo note under acknowledgment does not
reflect an intention on the part of that Govt to render impossible the
proper functioning of AmEmb Belgrade. US Govt will welcome
assurances in that sense and with view to mutually satisfactory solu-
tion this matter proposes that negotiations be undertaken between the
FonOff and the US Emb Belgrade without delay in regard to all
aspects of general question of US-Yugo aviation, with particular
reference to US civil aviation in Yugo and operation Emb aircraft.
US further proposes that such negotiations take place before the end
of the current month and requests that, pending outcome of such dis-
cussions, Yugo Govt defer the demands contained in its note of May
24. It is the US hope that this problem will accordingly be resolved
in that spirit of cooperation which can alone contribute to mutually
beneficial development of relations among states."
  Emb Belgrade would also be authorized inform FonOff orally that
pending satisfactory solution this and other problems presently out-
standing in US-Yugo relations Dept thinks Amb-designate Kosanovic
'm For substance of American note presented to the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry
April 25, see telegram 244, April 19, 6 p. m. to Belgrade, p. 888.