and agreement to enter into negotiations in the near future for the
conclusion of such a treaty.
  (5) Arrangements to assure adequate protection of the interests
of inventors and of writers and other holders of copyrights.
  (6) Methods for giving effect to the terms of Article VII of the
Soviet Master Lend-Lease Agreement of June 11, 1942, such as are
suggested in this Government's "Proposals for Expansion of World
Trade and Employment," 6 which were transmitted to the Govern-
ment of the U.S.S.R. on December 21, 1945.
  (7) General settlement of lend-lease obligations in accordance with
the provisions of the Soviet Master Lend-Lease Agreement, concluded
on June 11, 1942 between the Governments of the United States and
the U.S.S.R., on the basis of an inventory of lend-lease supplies in
the possession of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or subject
to its control at the end of hostilities, as indicated in the note on this
subject addressed by this Government to the Government of the
U.S.S.R. on February 18, 1946.
  (8) Civil aviation matters of mutual interest to the two countries.
  (9) Discussion of other economic questions, the settlement of which
in the opinion of either government, would be conducive to the attain-
ment of the general aims of the negotiations as herein proposed.
  It is the hope of this Government that the Government of the
U.S.S.R. will avail itself of the invitation to send observers to the
first meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Mone-
tary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and De-
velopment to be held at Wilmington Island, near Savannah, Georgia,
on March 8, 1946, where the United States intends to suggest the
adoption of a resolution by the Board of Governors of each institu-
tion permitting the admission to membership, during a limited period
of time, on the same terms as those enjoyed by members which signed
before December 31, 1945, of those countries which participated in
the Bretton Woods Conference, but failed to sign before December 31,
  The Government of the United States feels that negotiations should
be initiated in Washington as soon as possible, and hopes to receive
from the Government of the U.S.S.R. an early reply to the proposals
as contained in this note.
  Accept [etc.]                                  JAMES F. BYRNES
The Charge of the Soviet Union (Novikov) to the Secretary of State
                                     WASHINGTON, March 15, 1946.
  Sni: In connection with your note of February 21, 1946 I have been
  " Department of State publication No. 2411 (Washington, Government
Office, 1945).