(5) I have given very much thought to King Michael's predica-
ment, discussing it thoroughly with members of my staff, and havV
come to conclusion that we should offer him no advice as we are not
in position to back our advice with other than moral support. It is
true situation offers King perhaps last opportunity to proclaim his
position and to rally national sentiment before becoming engulfed,
since question of changing "basic establishments of state" is unlikely
to be presented publicly to him as clear-cut issue.
  I expect he will ask me to come and see him late in week, at which
time he will certainly wish to know American Govt's attitude to-
wards elections. I propose to limit myself to stating my attitude
and, if asked, say General Schuyler and I will not be present at open-
ing of Parliament as that would give impression American Govt
had accepted results of election.

871.00/11-2246: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Representative in Rumania

SECRET                    WASHNGTON, November 26,1946-6 p. m.
  745. Reurtel 1097, Nov 22. Text of Dept's press release on Rum
elections issued today 52 and carried by Voice of America is being
transmitted next following ted. You may inform King of this state-
ment US Govt's views re those elections if it has not already come
to his attention.
  As further step Dept is considering sending notes to Sov and Brit
Govts substantially as follows: 1) our reports concerning conduct
Rum elections indicate flagrant abuses despite our previous expres-
sions of apprehension to Rum Govt and receipt of reiterated assur-
ances by that Govt. Evidently Groza govt was unable or not dis-
posed abide by assurances. 2) consequently, US Govt cannot con-
sider that Rum Govt has fulfilled promises given three powers in
implementation Moscow decisions nor regard election results as re-
flecting free and unfettered expression will of Rum people. 3)
Hence, US Govt conscious of obligations assumed at Yalta in light
subsequent tripartite agreements, urges Sov and Brit Govts concert
with US to formulate joint steps re Rum situation particularly with
view to holding of new elections without delay under conditions en-
suring in fact implementation guarantees given by Rum Govt. 4)
US Govt will appreciate early response and suggests proposed con-
62 Department of State Bulletin, December 8, 1946, p. 1057.