appears from Warsaw's 723 of May 18 59 that Vice Minister of For-
eign Affairs, Modzelewski, is again attempting to evade the issue. He
has informed our ChargS d'Affaires at Warsaw that certain informa-
tion contained in these treaties or their accompaniments may be seen
by a member of the Embassy staff but may not be copied. He has also
indicated that certain information can not be shown to the Embassy,
because it is considered to be secret. While the opinion of all in-
terested Divisions of the Department has not yet been obtained, it
appears obvious that the information which Modzelewski says the
Polish Government is prepared to give us will be unsatisfactory. Ac-
cordingly, the question arises as to whether we should continue to
suspend surplus property deliveries indefinitely pending a change in
this attitude of the Polish Government.
  The question likewise arises, in view of the disturbing political
situation in Poland, whether it might be desirable to continue to with-
hold the Export-Import credit and the surplus property credit even
though the Polish Government may decide to comply with the third
condition cited above in the near future. The political situation is
deteriorating rapidly according to press reports and to reports from
our Embassy at Warsaw. Apparently the Security Police are carry-
ing out repressive measures against the Polish Peasant Party
(Milkolajczyk) leaders. The aimn of the Government in the opinion
of our Embassy is to destroy if possible Mikolajczyk's prestige and
that of his followers by branding them as "Fascists" and linking
with the so-called "terroristic underground". These repressive
activities would naturally prevent the holding of "free and unfettered
elections*" in accordance with the Yalta and Potsdam decisions and
in accordance with the reaffirmation of the Polish Government to hold
such elections, as expressed in Ambassador Lange's note of April 24
at the time the credit notes were exchanged.
                                               C. BURKE ELBRICOE

  Memorandunm of Conveersation, by the Acting Secretary of State

SECRET                               [WASHINGTONJ] May 23, 1946.
Participants: Dr. Stefan Litauer, Counselor of the Polish Embassy;
              Mr. Janusz Zoltowski, Financial Counselor of the
              Polish Embassy; Mr. Dean Acheson, Under Secre-
              tary of State; Mr. C. Burke Elbrick, Assistant Chief,
              Division of Eastern European Affairs.
 ""Not printed.