868           FOREIGN RELATIONS, 1946, VOLUME VI
711.60H/1-446: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Yugoslavia

SECRET                    WASHINGTON, January 12, 1946-10 a. m.
  26. We can understand the desirability from Tito's standpoint of
a visit to the US at this time for the purposes stated urtel 11 Jan. 4.
However, we feel such a visit would create an impression in this
country wholly inconsistent with views toward his regime in Yugo-
slavia expressed in Deptel 468 Dec 223 and would serve to excite
unnecessary conflict among contending factions of Yugoslav-American
opinion here. Moreover, as the US Govt does not intend to extend
any financial credit to Yugoslavia until political conditions there
improve, we would not be in a position to comply at this time with
his desire for a loan.
  The foregoing is for your background information. In your dis-
cretion you may inform interested Yugoslav Govt inquirers "semi-
officially" that we do not believe a visit by Marshal Tito to this
country now would serve a useful purpose and we consequently do not
contemplate extending him such an invitation for the time being.
  The President has approved the transmission to you of instructions
in this sense.
740.00119 EW/4-1846
   The Yugoslav Prime Minister (Tito) to President Truman5

                                      BELGRADE, February 19, 1946.
  EXCELLENCY: I take this opportunity to send you in my name, as
well as in the name of the peoples of Jugoslavia, cordial greetings
and wishes. It is my desire to assure you of the great sympathies
and gratitude of the peoples of Jugoslavia towards your country, not
only for its great contribution to the victory of the United Nations
over the common enemy, but also for the daily help it is giving in
order to heal the wounds inflicted upon us by the war.

  a Not printed; the telegram set forth the Department's instructions to
sador Patterson; for text of the instructions, see Department of State Bulletin,
December 23, 1945, p. 1020.
  'The substance of these instructions was given in a memorandum of January
  by the Acting Secretary of State to President Truman. The President's hand-
  written endorsement on the memorandum is dated January 11. (711.60H/1-1046)
  5 Copy of translation sent to the Department "for attention and appropriate
  action" under cover of a memorandum of April 18, 1946, from William
D. Hassett,
  Secretary to the President, not printed.