may surprise British with whom until now I have consulted on every
  phase of our commitments under Yalta and Potsdam decisions.
    With the greatest earnestness of which I am capable I beg the De-
 partment not to approve the extension of any credit facilities at this
 time.. When the terroristic activities of the security police come to
 an end, when freedom of the press is restored and when American
 citizens are released from Polish prisons then and not until then should
 US public funds be used to assist the Polish Provisional Govt of
 national unity.

  860C.51/4-2146: Telegram
      The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Poland (Lcne)

  SECRET                        WASHINGTON, April 22, 1946-8 p. m.
    342. Reurtel 553, April 21. While the points raised in urtel re
 credits are appreciated and while it is realized that if credit is granted
 PolGov may possibly not live up to all commitments, nevertheless it
 is felt that for following reasons it is advisable to grant limited credit
    (1) PolGov has accepted all the economic stipulations asked by
 Dept in connection with credit, summary of which previously trans-
 mitted to you.
    (2) Poles have also accepted suggested changes in Polish note re
 elections outlined mytel 328, 329, April 18.23
    (3) Credit solely for purchase coal cars and locomotives which
 PolGov has stated in writing will be used ship coal to countries
 Western Europe. If we should refuse credit this purpose now we
 might be open accusation next winter that vitally needed Polish coal
 could not be moved to Western Europe because US Gov refused
    (4) Cars will assist Poland to trade with West and help Polish
 people to solve internal distribution problems.
    (5) It has been made definitely clear to Poles that if they do not
 implement in a reasonable way various undertakings of an economic
 and political nature no further credits will be available. Poles have
 indicated they will endeavor obtain additional substantial credits as
 soon as we will make them available. This gives us further means of
    (6) Granting of credits with full publicity here and in Poland
,will indicate Polish people West has not forgotten them. Poles prom-
ised give full publicity in Poland these commitments. We will publish
notes with full explanation of reason for granting this special limited
credit as soon as notes exchanged.
   23 See footnote 22, p. 431