a) The validity of various classes of contracts concluded with enemy
  b) The suspension due to the war of periods of prescription.
  c) Negotiable instruments, and miscellaneous provisions annexed.
  The United States Delegation had stated that, in view of the consti-
tutional position of the Federal Government, the United States Dele-
gation would be unable to accept any obligations in these matters.
  The U.S.S.R. Delegation saw no reason for the insertion of this
  The French Delegation had supported the United Kingdom pro-
posal with regard to Prescriptions and Negotiable Instruments.
                          I. CONTRACTS
  The Commission had to consider the United Kingdom proposal and
a French proposed amendment (C.P. (IT/EC)Doc.81), proposing
the insertion in the fourth line of the British text of the words "and
subject to the repayment of amounts paid as advances or payments
on account, and in respect of which no counterpart exists".
  The United Kingdom Delegation had agreed to this addition by the
French Delegation.
  The United Kingdom proposal as amended by the French proposal
was supported by seven delegations (Australia, Belgium, France,
Greece, Netherlands, Union of South Africa, United Kingdom). Eight
delegations voted against it (Byelorussia, China, India, Poland,
Ukraine, U.S.S.R., United States, Yugoslavia). Five delegations ab-
stained (Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, New Zealand).
  The views of the British Delegation are given in annex 20.33
                   II. PERIODS OF PRESCRIPTION
  The Commission had to consider three proposals.
  (1) United Kingdom Delegation pointed out that the provisions of
paragraph 5 of Part I establishing a date from which the contracting
parties are considered to be enemies, applies likewise to Parts II
and III.
  This proposal was supported by eight delegations (Australia, Bel-
gium, France, Greece, India, Netherlands, Union of South Africa,
United Kingdom).
  Six delegations abstained (Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Ethi--
opia, New Zealand, Poland).
  The views of the U.K. and U.S. Delegations are given in the annexes
26 and 27.
  (2) The Soviet Delegation proposed (C.P.(IT/EC)Doc.85) that
the prescription should be regarded as being suspended during the war-
   Post, p. 404.
 34 Post, pp. 404 and 405, respectively.