For the Comrtnissions a sumimary record of decisions will be pre-
pared. To the record will be annexed copies of the statements which
delegates have asked should be inserted in the record and proposals
submitted, in the form in which they have been handed by delegations
to the Secretariat.
                      VIII. GENERAL PROVISIONS
  On all questions of procedure not covered by these rules of procedure
the Conference and the Commissions shall in appropriate cases be
guided by the principles of the rules of procedure of the General As-
sembly of the United Nations Organization.
  The Conference may decide to amend or suspend the provisions of
the Rules of Procedure after their adoption.

  Should a proposal made by an Allied State which borders on the
State whose particular case is under discussion not be accepted either
by a two-thirds or a simple majority, the Government of the said
Allied State may submit such proposal direct to the Council of Foreign
Ministers for its consideration.4

CFM Files
Memoranda Submitted by the Albanian Government on the Draft
                     Peace Treaty With Italy
C.P. (Gen) Doc.7                                  AUGUST 30, 1946.
                       MEMORANDUM No. 1 5

  Italy has always tried to make the Adriatic an Italian sea and
Albania a bridgehead for her imperialist expansion in the Balkans.
  The occupation of a portion of Albania by Italian troops in 1917,
the Titoni-Venizelos Agreement of 1919, the decision of 9th Novem-
ber, 1921 by which the Ambassador Conference, under Italian
diplomatic pressure acknowledged Italy's privileged position in
Albania, all the agreements, arrangements, conventions and treaties

4The Conference adopted two Annexes to the Rules of Procedure at the Ninth
Plenary Meeting, August 9; for an account of the discussion on the Annexes
that time, see the editorial note on the Ninth Plenary Meeting, vol. III,
p. 162.
The present resolution became Annex I; for identification of Annex II, see
footnote 3, p. 797.
5 Addressed to the Political and Territorial Commission for Italy.