tracts and other obligations entered into, and rights acquired, before
September 3, 1939.
  1. The Commission had before it two proposed amendments.
  (a) The Yugoslav Delegation (C.P. (Gen)Doc.l.U.20, replaced by
C.P. (IT/EC) DocA64) proposed that Italy should recognize that the
Allied and Associated Powers, being entitled to German reparation
in the Western Zone, are likewise entitled to all German assets in
Italy, and should agree to take all necessary measures to facilitate the
transfer of such assets.
  This proposal was rejected by 11 votes (Australia, Belgium, Brazil,
Canada, China, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Union of
South Africa, the United Kingom, the United States) to 7 (Byelo-
russia, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Poland, Ukraine, the U.S.S.R., Yugo-
slavia), and 2 abstentions (Ethiopia, France).
  (b) The United States Delegation (C.P. (IT/EC) Doc.69) proposed
that Italy should agree to take all necessary measures for facilitating
such transfers of these assets as might be determined by those of the
Powers occupying Germany which were empowered to dispose of
German assets in Italy.
  This amendment was adopted by 13 votes (Australia, Belgium,
Brazil, Canada, China, France, Greece, India, the Netherlands, New
Zealand, the IUnion of South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United
States) to 2 (Byelorussia, Ukraine), with 5 abstentions (Czechoslo-
vakia, Ethiopia, Poland, the U.S.S.R., Yugoslavia).
  2. Consequently
  (a) Apart from one abstention, the Commission unanimously
adopted the text agreed upon by the Council of Foreign Ministers
for submission to the Plenary Conference as a recommendation.
  (b) The Delegations of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China,
France, Greece, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Union of
South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States were in
favour of the following addition to the text drafted by the Council of
Foreign Ministers:
  "Italy agrees to take all necessary measures for facilitating such
transfers of German assets in Italy as may be determined by those of
the Powers occupying Germany which are empowered to dispose of
German assets in Italy."
   (c) The Commission took note of the following statement of the
Yugoslav Delegation:
  "The Yugoslav proposal has been rejected, but the Delegation of
Yugoslavia has been instructed to express on behalf of its Govern-
ment, the hope that the rights defined in the Potsdam Agreement of
the States who were victims of Nazi aggression will be safeguarded.
The Yugoslav Government likewise hopes that the three Powers whose