It shall be the function of this Council to deal with official business
pending the meeting of the National Assembly and to prepare the
elections to the National Assembly which will have to frame the con-
stitution of the Free City of Trieste.

The decisions of the Council shall have the character of authoritative
administrative measures in the territory of the Free City of Trieste.
The Inter-Allied Commission, acting in the capacity of High Commis-
sloner, may suspend their entry into force only in cases where these
decisions touch on the international provisions dealing with the juri-
dical Statute of the Free City of Trieste.

8. The provisional Council of Government shall set up a Provisional
Assembly of 60 members, 40 Italian representatives and 20 Yugoslav
representatives. The Provisional Assembly shall be duly constituted
after consultation with the political, trade union and other public
bodies and the Council of Government will be responsible for the
formation of this Provisional Assembly in such a way as to be repre-
sentative of all the political parties within the territory of the Free
City of Trieste in proportion to their support amongst the population.

This Provisional Assembly shall be a consultative body of the Pro-
visional Council of Government and it shall in particular be its duty
to consider and to make recommendations in regard to the provisional
decrees essential for the normalisation of legal conditions in the Free
Territory of Trieste until the properly elected National Assembly is
convened. Decrees of this kind shall be issued by the Provisional
Council of Government, mentioning the fact that the Provisional
Assembly has already been consulted and its recommendations have
been taken into consideration. Such decrees shall have the force of
provisional laws and shall remain in force until the duly elected
National Assembly takes a decision in respect of their legal application
in the future.

9. All civil servants now serving in the territory of the Free City of
Trieste shall be relieved of their duties on the strength of the present
provisions but will be required to carry on their duties until a de-
cision of the Provisional Council of Government is taken. The pro-
visional Council of Government will appoint civil servants within a
period of one month from the date on which it takes office.

10. Juridical power within the territory of the Free City of Trieste
will be exercised by courts composed exclusively of citizens of Trieste.

The Provisional Council of Government will appoint the members
of the Supreme Court who will exercise juridical power. This Court
will make its decisions by a quorum of five members. It will be com-
posed of 12 members in all, of whom 8 will be Italians and 4 Yugoslavs.

The judges in other courts will be appointed by the Provisional
Council of Government after consultation with the Supreme Court.