In connection with the amendments made in sub-paragraph "b",
-the Czechoslovak Delegation considers that by the inclusion of the
-words "a United Nation" into the text of sub-paragraph (b) of
graph 8, Article 23, Czechoslovakia will not be precluded by the time
-periods of sub-paragraph (a), paragraph 8, Article 23, from being
-the beneficiary of the rights ensuing from Article 23 in place of her
former citizens, who were Czechoslovak citizens before her occupa-
tion and who ceased to be Czechoslovak citizens since Czechoslovakia's
  All the Members of the Commission agreed with this interpretation
by the Czechoslovak Delegation.
  The French Delegation proposed adding to Article 23 a new para-
graph 9 reading as follows:
  "The Hungarian Government undertakes to enter into negotiations
with the other Governments concerned, the Danube-Sava-Adriatica
Railway Company and the Committee of Bondholders of the Com-
pany, with a view to determining the method of applying the pro-
vision of the Rome Agreement of March 29, 1923, laying down the
statute of the Company and the modifications required in this Agree-
ment, and making an equitable settlement of the amounts owing to
the company's bondholders. ["]
  9 votes were cast in favour of this paragraph and 4 against, with 1
  New Article (to follow Article 23):
  The Commission considered proposals by the U.K. and U.S. Delega-
tions for the insertion of a new Article to follow Article 23, dealing
with the restoration of property which was confiscated in Hungary
during the war because of the racial origin or religion of its owners.
The U.K. Delegation proposed a text for this additional Article, read-
ing as follows:
  "1. Hungary undertakes that in all cases where the property, legal
rights or interests of persons under Hungarian jurisdiction has, since
September 1st, 1939, been the subject of measures of sequestration,
confiscation or control on account of the racial origin or religion of
such persons, the said property, legal rights and interests shall be
restored together with their accessories or, if restoration is impossible,
that full compensation shall be made therefor.
  "2. The Hungarian Government undertakes within twelve months
after the date of coming into force of the present Treaty to transfer
to the International Refugee Organisation (or any other organisation
designated by the Economic and Social Council of the United Na-
tions) for purposes of relief and rehabilitation within Hungary all
property, rights and interests in Hungary owned by persons; organi-
sations and communities which, individually or as members of groups,
were the object of racial, religious or other Fascist measures of perse-
cution or discrimination, including property, rights and interests re-
