per annum of the number of efectives of each branch. If this per-
centage be exceeded, the newly-recruited personnel shall be limited to
5 per cent per year".
                           Article 46b
  "The training and instruction by any method whatsoever, of officers
and non-commissioned officers of the reserve, shall be prohibited.
All mobilisation or pre-mobilisation measures shall also be prohibited."

C.P. (Gen) Doc.1.J.8.
                            ARTICLE 5 8
  The provisions of Article 58, in its present form, are inequitable
for Greece, since they allow the Italian armed forces to retain the ma-
terial including Greek war material at present in their possession,
and to return only such material as they themselves deem to be in ex-
cess of their requirements.
  Consequently, the Greek Delegation submits that this Article should
clearly provide for total restitution of war material belonging to the
Greek armed forces and seized by the Italians.
  Similarly, in view of the destruction of a large part of Greek war
material in the course of military operations, some of the excess Ital-
ian war material should be handed over to Greece. This, added to the
war material claimed from other ex-enemy States, would enable Greece
to restore her pre-war military equipment.
  The Greek Delegation requests therefore that Article 14 [58] be
drafted as shown below.
  Add to Article 58 new paragraphs 4 and 6. After the amendments
proposed the text of Article 58 will be as follows:
  1. Paragraph 1 of Article 58.
  2. Paragraph 2 of Article 58.
  3. Paragraph 3 of Article 58.
  4 (new). "It is nevertheless specified that the provisions of the
foregoing paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 will not apply to the aggregate of
Greek war material appropriated by Italy as war booty. Italy under-
takes to return to Greece, within six months from the coming into
force of the present Treaty, all Greek war material in her possession
as war booty. A list of this material is attached to Annex . . .
  If the material in question cannot be traced, Italy undertakes to
hand back an equivalent proportion taken from similar material in her
possession, according to instructions by the Greek Government, in
good condition and at a place to be determined by the latter."
  5. Paragraph 4 of Article 58.
  6 (new). "An Inter-Allied Commission, representing the Powers
menttioned in paragraph 1 together with a Greek representative, con-