This text was adopted without discussion.
Art. 2.
  As regards Art. 2:
  a) Para. 1 (Little St. Bernard Pass) was unanimously adopted.
  b) Para. 2 (Mont Cenis Plateau) was adopted by 15 votes, 5 Delega-
tions abstaining.
  c) Para. 3 (Mont Thabor-Chaberton) was adopted unanimously,
subject to frontier adjustments in the region of Mont Thabor to be
examined by the Legal and Drafting Commission, in accordance with
the terms of the following statement by the French Delegation:
  "The French Delegation is ready to modify the text of the detailed
description of the frontier in the Mont Thabor region, leaving to Italy
the dam and the water catchment situated in this region."
  d) Para. 4 (Upper Tinee, Wsubie and Roya Valleys) was unani-
mously adopted, subject to the frontier adjustments to be examined
by the Legal and Drafting Commission, according to the following text
adopted by the Commission:
  "The French Delegation having agreed to leave the village of Oli-
vetta under Italian sovereignty, the Drafting Commission shall make
the necessary changes in the relevant annex of the draft peace treaty".
  e) It was decided that the detailed description of the Franco-Italian
frontier (C.P. (IT/P) Doc.20) and the corresponding maps should be
annexed to the Draft Peace Treaty and that the Legal and Drafting
Commission should mention the annex and the corresponding maps in
Article 2.
Art. 5.
  Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of the U.S. proposal having been withdrawn
Article 5 was adopted unanimously with the addition of a new para-
graph 5 proposed by the Yugoslav Delegation (C.P. (GEN) Doc.l.U.4)
as revised according to the Chairman's suggestion (C.P. (IT/P) 2ith
meeting). The new paragraph 5 of the article 5 reads as follows:
  "For the purpose of determining on the spot the exact frontier laid
down in articles 3, 4 and 16, the Commissioners shall be allowed to de-
part by 0.5 kilometer from the line laid down in the present treaty in
order to adjust the boundary to local geographical and economic con-
ditions, provided that no village or town of more than 500 inhabitants,
no important railroads or highways, and no major power or water sup-
plies are placed under a sovereignty contrary to the delimitationm laid
down in the present treaty".
Art. 8.
  Article 8 was unanimously adopted with the following modification,
proposed by the Delegation for France: addition of the words "the