conditions and restrictions on rights or interests with respect to in-
dustrial, literary and artistic property acquired prior to the coming
into force of the present Treaty in the Territory of that Allied or
Associated Power by the Government or nationals of Roumania, as
may be deemed by the Government of the Allied or Associated Power
to be necessary in the national interest.
  5. The property covered by paragraph 1 of this Article shall be
deemed to include Roumanian property which has been subject to
control by reason of a state of war existing between Roumania and
the Allied or Associated Power having jurisdiction over the property,
but shall not include:
  a. Property of the Roumanian Government used for consular or
diplomatic purposes.
  b. Property belonging to religious bodies or private charitable
institutions and used for religious or charitable purposes.
  c. Property of natural persons who are Roumanian nationals per-
mitted to reside within the territory of the country in which the prop-
erty is located or to reside elsewhere in United Nations' territory,
other than Roumanian property which at any time during the war
was subjected to measures not generally applicable to the property
of Roumanian nationals resident in the same territory.
  d. Property rights arising since the resumption of trade and finan-
cial relations between Roumania and the Allied and Associated
Powers, or arising out of transactions between Roumania and the
Governments of any Allied or Associated Power since September 12,
                            ARTICLE 27
  U.S.S.R. proposal:
  1. Limitations imposed in respect of Roumanian property on the ter-
ritory of Germany and on the territory of other countries which took
part in the war on the side of Germany shall be withdrawn after the
coming into force of the present treaty. The rights of Roumanian
owners with respect to the disposal of the property in question shall
be restored.
  2. Roumania shall hare the right to restitution of identifiable prop-
erty which was compulsorily or forcibly removed from Roumania
after 24, 1944, and is at present in Germany.
  The restitution of Routmanian property situated in the territory of
Germany will be efected in accordance with the instructions of the
military authorities of the Powers in occupation of Germany.
  U.K., U.S. and French proposal:
  Roumania hereby renounces on its own behalf and on behalf of
Roumanian nationals all claims, including debts, against Germany