(c) Article 51. The South African Delegation in withdrawing an
amendment concerning the number of men to be allowed in the Italian
Navy requested that the matter be further considered by the Naval
Committee of the Council of Foreign Ministers. Assurance to that
effect was given by the American Delegation on its own behalf.
  (d) Article 52. The South African Delegation tabled an amendment
providing for a reserve of material for the Italian Army. It withdrew
the amendment when the American Delegate explained that the Draft
Article 46 had taken account of the need for reserve war material. It
was agreed, as the matter affected similar clauses in all the Peace
Treaties, that the explanation given by the American Delegate should
be recorded.
  (e) Article 56. The South African Delegation withdrew an amend-
ment providing for reserve aircraft which the Italian Air Force should
be allowed to maintain, but asked that the statement made by the U.S.
Delegate concerning Article 52 should apply also in respect of spare
parts for aircraft.
  (f) Article 58. The Greek Delegation tabled an amendment that
Greece should have a share of surplus war material and should recover
any war material removed by the Italians from Greece. A declaration
was made on behalf of the Four Great Powers that in the joint disposi-
tion to be made of war material by them, they would take into con-
sideration any requests made by other Allied and Associated Powers,
in particular by the Power from which material was taken by Italy.
It was suggested also that Article 66 would cover the return of war
material removed from any of the United Nations. The Greek Delega-
tion offered to withdraw its amendment, subject to an interpretation
of the word "property" in Article 65 of the Treaty, which dealt
restitution, to include war material. It was agreed that the Rapporteur
should obtain the interpretation of the word "property" in Article
from the Economic Commission for Italy. That Commission advised
that "property" did include war material. The Greek Delegation
withdrew the reservation and the amendment.
  The Military Commission was asked by the Political and Territorial
Commission for Italy to give a definition of "demilitarised" and
pletely demalitarised", for the purpose of certain articles, 11, 12
42, of the Draft Peace Treaty with Italy. The Commission recommend
unanimously that the following definition should be inserted as Annex
5(D) of the Italian Treaty; and that only one term, "demilitarised",
should be used.
