Article. Should the Hungarian Government within three months of the
receipt of the list, present observations against the inclusion therein
of certain objects, and in the event of no agreement being reached
between the Governments concerned within a further month, the dis-
pute shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of Article 35 of
this Treaty.
                           ARTICLE 13
  Hungary shall not possess, construct or experiment with any atomic
weapon, any self propelled or guided missiles or apparatus connected
with their discharge (other than torpedoes and torpedo launching
gear inherent to naval vessels permitted by this Treaty) sea mines or
torpedoes of non-contact types actuated by influence mechanisms,
torpedoes capable of being manned, submarines or other submersible
craft, motor torpedo boats or specialised types of assault craft.
                  ARTICLE 21 BIS (new article)
  The annulment of the Vienna Award of November, 1938, as provided
in Article 1, paragraph 4, implies in itself the annulvment of the accords,
as well as their legal consequences, ensuing therefrom in respect of
matters of finance and public and private assurance concluded between
or on behalf of the two States concerned or between Czechoslo val
and Hungarian moral persons on the basis of the Vienna Award and
in respect of the material handed over by the Protocol of May 22, 1940.
This annulment shall not apply in any way to relations between physi-
cal persons. The details of the above-mentioned settleiment will be
arranged by bilateral agreements between the two governments con-
cerned, within a period of six months from the time of entry into force
of this Treaty.
                           ARTICLE 22
  Paragraph 1:
  1. Hungary accepts the principles of the United Nations Declara-
tion of January 5, 1943, and will return in the shortest possible time,
property removed from United Nations territories.
  Paragraph 2 add:
  If in particular cases, it is impossible for Hungary to snake restitu-
tion of objects of artistic, historic or archeological value belonging to
the cultural heritage of the United Nation from which such objects
were removed, by force or duress by Hungarian forces and authorities
or by Hungarian nationals, Hungary undertakes to trarnsfer to the
United Nation concerned objects of the same kind and of substantially
equivalent valte to the objects removed, in so far as such objects are
obtainable in Hungary.
