6. Pier 6 with the eastern side of Quay 6, and the whole of Quay 7
(as far as Lloyds Warehouse “Arsenale’’).

The limits of this zone are indicated on the annexed map, which
forms an integral part of the present Statute.

Within this zone the Federative People’s Republic of Yugoslavia
shall be responsible for the upkeep of the port, the harbour services,
the port customs, public health, postal, telegraph and other services
necessary for the free port zone and the shipping making use of it.

Article 4

The Free City of Trieste shall cede without compensation, for public
use, to the Free Port of Trieste and to the Federative People’s Republic
of Yugoslavia in the latter’s free port zone, the areas, installations and
warehouses enumerated in the above articles.

With the coming into force of the Peace Treaty with Italy, public
property which had hitherto been Italian, and State or para-statal
property in that area, together with the property of the “Azienda
Magazini Generali”, shall become the property of the Free City of
Trieste, and in so far as it is located in the above-mentioned areas, shall
be ceded for the use of the Free Port or the Federative People’s Re-
public of Yugoslavia.

Article 5

Unless otherwise provided in the present Statute, the laws and regu-
lations in force in the Free City of Trieste shall apply to persons and
property in the Free Port, and the authorities lawfully responsible
for their application in the territory of the Free City of Trieste shall
also be empowered to carry out their functions in the Free Port

Article 6

Merchant vessels and goods of all countries shall enjoy unrestricted
right of free access to the Free Port of Trieste for loading and unload-
ing, both as regards goods in transit, and those consigned to or coming
from the territory of the Free City of Trieste.

The Yugoslav-Triestine customs union and the Government of the
Free City of Trieste shall not levy customs dues, or other fiscal charges,
on such goods whether being imported into, exported from, or in transit
through the Free Port of Trieste. But in the case of goods being
imported from the Free Port of Trieste into the Free City of Trieste,
or exported from that territory, the regulations in force in the Free
City of Trieste shall apply.

The trans-shipment, warehousing, sorting and packing of goods
imported into the Free Port is authorized, and shall be free of duty.

The processing and manufacture of goods within the Free Port shall
be prohibited. Notwithstanding, the undertakings located in the Free