In conformity with the rules of procedure, the Norwegian dele-
gation and delegations of States invited to the Conference (Albania,
Cuba, Egypt, Irak, Mexico), were invited to attend the discussion of
Articles on which they had views to express.
  The Commission asked the Italian delegation to submit written ob-
servations on the Articles referred to it and these have been con-
sidered by the Commission in the course of its discussions.
  The Commission also invited the Italian Delegation to submit,
orally, its views on reparation and on Articles 65 to 69.
  PARIs, October 3, 1946.

                    REPARATIONs-ARTICLE 64
  The Commission had on the one hand to examine the section of
this article dealing with reparation due by Italy to the U.S.S.R.
which had been agreed upon in the Council of Foreign Ministers and,
on the other hand, the reparation claims submitted by other Powers,
together with the means of meeting them and the extent to which
they could be satisfied.
  As regards reparation in favor of the U.S.S.R., the Commission
had before it five proposals for amendments.
  a) Amendments C.P. (GEN)Doc.1.B.9 and 1.B.10 submitted by the
Australian Delegation proposed that the total amount of reparation
due to the U.S.S.R. and other Allied Powers should be determined
within a period of six months from the date of the coming into force
,of the Treaty, by a Reparation and Restitution Commission and,
on the other hand, that currency payments calculated on the basis of
a percentage of the value of Italy's exports be substituted for deliveries
of Italian war industrial equipment and current industrial production.
These two amendments were rejected by a 2/3 majority (15 votes to 2,
with 3 abstentions).
  b) An amendment to paragraph 5 of the draft Treaty submitted
by the Australian Delegation (C.P. (IT/EC) Doc.13) advocated the
principle included in previous amendments of a body which should
coordinate and ensure the execution of the treaty, a Reparation and
Restitution Commission, to determine in conjunction with the Soviet
Government, the quantities and categories of goods to be handed over
by the Italian Government. This proposal was rejected by 13 votes
(Belgium, Byelorussia, China, Czechoslovakia, France, India, Neth-
erlands, Poland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, U.S.A., U.S.S.R., Yugo-
slavia,) to 7 (Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ethiopia, Greece, New Zea-
land, the Union of South Africa).