SECTION VII.-Rights of citizenship
                            Article 21
  The Constitution and laws of the Free City of Trieste shall guaran-
tee all citizens, without distinction of sex, national sentiment, lan-
guage, race or religion, the fundamental rights of man and of a
citizen, in particular: the right of individual liberty; freedom to ex-
press political opinions verbally, in writing, or in the press; freedom of
association, public meeting and political action in so far as this does
not involve any Fascist activity; equality before the law; freedom of
association and of religious denomination, the right to belong or not
to belong to a religious denomination; right of equal access to public
functions; right to receive public instruction and a knowledge of
science, art, and general culture by being guaranteed the possibility of
obtaining public instruction and cultural development in the citizen's
own national language; the right to use the national languages of all
citizens in public and private life without any restriction; freedom of
postal, telegraphic and telephonic communication; inviolability of
                            Article 22
  The official languages in the territory of the Free City of Trieste
shall be Italian, and also Slovene and Croat. These languages shall
enjoy equal rights. Citizens shall be entitled, at their own preference,
to make use of one or other of these languages. This right shall not
be subject to any restriction whatsoever in consequence of the use or
ignorance of one of these languages, or of differences between them.
   SECTION vm.-Relationsewith the Federative People's Republic of
                            Article 23
  The Federative People's Republic of Yugoslavia undertakes to
represent the Free City of Trieste and its citizens in its relations with
foreign countries. Methods of representation shall be determined by
special agreement between the Federative People's Republic of Yugo-
slavia and the Free City of Trieste.
  Any agreements which the Federative People's Republic of Yugo-
slavia may conclude on behalf of the Free City of Trieste shall come
into force when they have been ratified by the National Assembly of
the Free City of Trieste.
  The Council of Government of the Free City of Trieste shall receive
consuls and grant them an exequatur for the exercise of consular func-
tions in the territory of the Free City.