there was interference in determining the concentration of the compound in the
wet sample. The designation I means that there is an interference with the
compound of interest and the reporting limit is elevated to the level that is
identified (e.g., 1<60 jag/kg). LML ND means that the laboratory matrix spike
exceeds the lower quality control limit for this compound (LML) and the
compound was not detected (ND) in the sample. 1<20 means that there is an
interference with this compound and because of this interference, if the
compound is present, its concentration is less than 20 jag/kg.
For most compounds, the dry-weight and wet-weight concentrations are
similar or the same. This occurs because most foundry sands are nearly dry
when they are discarded. Exceedances were only obtained for phenanthrene
(Sands 4, 7, 9, and 11) and 2-methyl naphthalene only (Sand 11). For
phenanthrene, the exceedance was by no more than 40 jag/kg at most (maximum
concentration measured - Category 1 Standard). For Sand 11, the concentration
of 2-methyl naphthalene is 9800 jag/kg, whereas the Category 1 standard is 8800
jag/kg. No other exceedances were measured.
Results of the water leach tests and the total elemental analyses were
used to categorize the foundry sands, fill soil, torpedo sand, and Peerless iron in
accordance with NR 538. The results are summarized in Table 4.6. All of the
materials are Category 2 materials, including the torpedo sand, fill soil, and