
Fig. 7.19. Time to Reach Equilibrium as a Function of Clay Content
and  Solution  pH  ............................................................  204
Fig. 8.1.  Elution Curves of Cr, Fe, and Pb for (a) Sand 2 and (b)
Torpedo  Sand. Model Fit was     Conducted   Using
Instantaneous  Concentration ..........................................  209
Fig. 8.2.  Elution Curves of Cr, Fe, and Pb for (a) Sand 1 and (b)
Torpedo Sand. Model Fits was Conducted Using Cumulative
M ass  Leaching  Ratio  .....................................................  210
Fig. 8.3.  Elution Data for Fe for Sand 12 and Curves for Eq. 3.27
Using Fitted Kp and aL (9.1 L/kg, aL = 48 cm) and Typical Kp
and  aL  (1.0  L/kg, aL  =  1.9  cm ) ..........................................  216
Fig. 8.4.  Relationship Between PVER and (a) Partition Coefficient
and  (b)  Initial Fe  Concentration ........................................  219
Fig. 8.5.  Relationship Between Column Test and Batch Test: (a)
Concentration of Fe and (b) Concentration of Pb, and (c)
C oncentration  of  Cr ...................................................... . 222
Fig. 8.5.  Relationship Between Column Test and Batch Test: (a)
Concentration of Fe and (b) Concentration of Pb, and (c)
Concentration  of Cr (Continued) ......................................  223
Fig. 8.6.  Flow Chart to Estimate PVER Using Data from Water Leach
T e st  ...........................................................................  2 2 6
Fig. 8.7.  Comparisons of PVER for Fe Prediction Using Method in
Sec. 8.5 and PVER from Column Tests (Table 8.5) ..............  227
Fig. A.1.  Calibration of Microwave Equipment for Acid Digestion
Following USEPA Method 3051. Absorbed Power on 1 L DI
Water in Glass Beaker was Calculated by Using Difference
of Temperature Before and After Heating Using Microwave
at Different Power Settings. 574 W Corresponds to 97.5%
Power Setting. Thus, Digestion  was  Conducted  in
Fluorocarbon Vessels for 10 min with 97.5% Power
Setting .........................................................  243
Fig. A.2.  Results of Standard Additions for Sample Solution Extracted
from Sand 10. Three Additions were Conducted to Obtain
approximately 50 (Addition 1), 100 (Addition 2), and 150%