
Fig. 7.10. Comparisons of Partition Coefficients Obtained from Batch
Sorption  Test and  Estimation ..........................................  186
Fig. 7.11. Results of Column Tests for Sands 1 and 10 when Initial pH
were 3.0: (a) Concentration, and (b) Influent and Effluent
S o lutio n  pH  .................................................................  18 9
Fig. 7.12. Results of Column Tests for Sands 1, 2, 5, and 12 when
Initial pH was 4.0: (a) Concentrations, and (b) Influent and
Effluent  Solution  pH  ......................................................  190
Fig. 7.13. Effects of (a) TOC, (b) Clay Content, (c) Total Iron Content,
and  (d) Effluent pH  on  Partition Coefficient .........................  192
Fig. 7.13. Effects of (a) TOC, (b) Clay Content, (c) Total Iron Content,
and  (d) Effluent pH  on  Partition Coefficient ........................  193
Fig. 7.14. Effects of (a) TOC, (b) Clay Content, (c) Total Iron Content,
and (d) Final Effluent Solution pH on Rate Constant ............  195
Fig. 7.14. Effects of (a) TOC, (b) Clay Content, (c) Total Iron Content,
and (d) Final Effluent Solution pH on Rate Constant ............  196
Fig. 7.15. Comparisons of (a) Partition Coefficients and (b) Solution
pHs for Batch and Column Tests. pH Values Noted in
Parentheses Correspond to Influent Condition. Final pH was
Used  in Solution  pH  for Column  Test ................................  198
Fig. 7.16. Comparisons of Partition Coefficients Obtained from Column
Tests and Estimated. Eq. 7.2 with (a) Initial Solution pH and
(b) Solution pH at Breakthrough. PHs Noted in Legend
Correspond to Initial Solution pH (a) and Solution pH at
B reakthrough  (b) ..........................................................  200
Fig. 7.17. Comparisons of Rate Constants from Column Tests and
B atch  K inetic  Tests  .......................................................  201
Fig. 7.18. Normalized Zinc Concentrations as a Function of Clay
Content and Barrier Thickness: (a) Vs = 0.01 m/d (b) Vs = 0.1
m/d ............................................................ 203