of private families in 1930 but for statistical purposes 'the Census
Bureau regards the differences as negligible.
  The chief religious bodies with their membership in 1936 were
Roman Catholic, 741,563; Lutherans (all Lutheran bodies), 513,168;
Methodists, 72,936. Among other large church groups are the Evan-
gelical and Reformed, Congregationalists, Presbyterians, ald Baptists.
  In 1941 illiteracy is estimated to be less than one percent. All
children between the ages of 7 and 14 are required to attend school
full time. Those between 14 and 16 regularly employed are required
to attend half time; those between 16 and 18 must attend eight hours
per week if regularly employed, half time if employed at home,
and full time, if unemployed. The number of pupils enrolled in the
elementary schools in 1939-40 was 374,854 with 15,560 teachers; in
the high schools there were 160,311 pupils with 6,117 teachers. The
nine state teachers colleges had in 1940-41, 470 teachers and 7,260
students. Public part-time day schools had 1,100 teachers with 38,726
regular pupils and an additional 32,462 in special national defense
training courses. State supervised evening schools had 101,293 pupils
and 2,117 teachers. There are also 28 rural county normal schools,
the Stout Institute at Menomonie which trains teachers for the voca-
tional schools, and the Wisconsin Institute of Technology (school of
mining) at Platteville.
  The University of Wisconsin at Madison, established in 1848, had
in 1940-41, 1,828 professors and instructors (including the large ex-
tension faculty) and 12,012 resident students and 28,247 correspondence
  These institutions are all state supported. The total expenditures
in Wisconsin for public education in 1939-40 were $69,074,085.
                  Charitable and Penal Institutions
  Wisconsin maintained 13 state and 39 county institutions for the
care of its 24.240 insane, mentally deficient, penal, correctional, and
parole cases on July 31, 1941. There are, 2 state and 19 county
institutions for the care of tuberculosis patients.
  For the year ended June 30, 1941, the receipts and disbursements
of the State Government for all funds were:
       Balance July 1, 1940..........- ....--------------------------.$ 
       Gross receipts for the year 1940-41 ------------.147,784,514.36
           Total .--------- ..............-----------------------------------.$162,504,221.35
       Gross disbursements for year 1940-41-........ $139,557,200.87
       Balance June 30, 1941 -....-....'-............................$  22,947,020.48
  The state has no debt except to its own trust fundsý,' which on
30, 1941, was $1,183,700.
  In 1940, the assessed valuation of real property i* :the state was
$3,897,384,868, and of personal property $456,118,546.
  State and local taxes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940 were