grams of the warring nations has been at all times available to the
National Administration through its diplomatic and other channels.
  The Republican Party stands for Americanism, preparedness and
peace. We accordingly fasten upon the New Deal full responsibility
for our unpreparedness and for the consequent danger of involvement
in war.
  We declare for the prompt, orderly and realistic building of our na-
tional defense to the point at which we shall be able not only to defend
the United States, its possessions, and essential outposts from foreign
attack, but also efficiently to uphold in war the Monroe Doctrine. To
this task the Republican Party pledges itself when entrusted with na-
tional authority. In the meantime we shall support all necessary and
proper defense measures proposed by the Administration in its belated
effort to make up for lost time; but we deplore explosive utterances by
the President directed at other governments which serve to imperil our
peace; and we condemn all executive acts and proceedings which might
lead to war without the authorization of the Congress of the United
  Our sympathies have been profoundly stirred by invasion of unof-
fending countries and by disaster to nations whose ideals most closely
resemble our own. We favor the extension to all peoples fighting for
liberty, or whose liberty is threatened, of such aid as shall not be in
violation of international law or inconsistent with the requirements of
our own national defense.
  We believe that the spirit which should animate our entire defensive
policy is determination to preserve not our material interests merely,
but those liberties which are the priceless heritage of America.

  The New Deal's failure to solve the problem of unemployment and
revive opportunity for our youth presents a major challenge to repre-
sentative government and free enterprise. We propose to recreate op-
portunity for the youth of America and put our idle millions back to
work in private industry, business, and agriculture. We propose to
eliminate needless administrative restrictions, thus restoring lost mo-
tion to the wheels of individual enterprise.

  We shall remove waste, discrimination, and politics from relief-
through administration by the States with Federal grants-in-aid on a
fair and non-political basis, thus giving the man and woman on relief
a larger share of the funds appropriated.

                           Social Security
  We favor the extention of necessary old age benefits on an ear-
marked pay-as-you-go basis to the extent that the revenues raised for
this purpose will permit. We favor the extension of the unemployment
compensation provisions of the Social Security Act, wherever practi-