Associate Justice
NATHAN S. HEFFERNAN: appointed to Supreme
Court vacancy August 1964; elected April 1965 to
January 1966-76 term.    Born   8/6/20; married;
Sheboygan Asst. District Attorney 1951-53, City
Attorney 1953-59, Deputy Attorney General 1959-
62, U. S. Attorney for Wis. Western District 1962-
August 1964; LL.B. U. of Wis. 1948; World War
It veteran; State Capitol, Madison 53702.
Associate Justice
LEO B. HANLEY: appointed to Supreme Court
vacancy August 1966 to serve until January 1969.
Born 4/27/08; married; Asst. City Attorney 1936-
49; Milwaukee Co. Civil Court judge 1949-53,
elected 2nd Circuit judge 1954, 1960 and 1966;
LL.B. Marquette U. 193; State Capitol, Madison
U. S. Senator
E. WILLIAM PROXMIRE: Dem.; elected to U.S. Sen-
ate August 1957 to fill vacancy, re-elected 1958
and 1964; Wis. Assemblyman 1951 session. Born
11/11/15; married; former printing plant owner;
M.B.A. 1940, M.P.A. 1948, Harvard U., Mass.;
World War II veteran; 4613 E. Buckeye Rd.,
Madison 53716.
U. S. Senator
GAYLORD A. NELSON: Dem.; elected to U.S. Senate
1962; elected to Wis. Senate 1948, 1952 and 1956,
vacated Wis. Senate seat when elected Governor
in 1958, re-elected Governor 1960. Born 6/4/16;
married; attorney; LL.B. U. of Wis. 1942; World
War II veteran; 5750 Bittersweet P1., Madison