Adopted at the Statutory State Platform Convention
October 4, 1966
We dedicate ourselves to a program of performance rather than promise.
We solemnly pledge ourselves to use all available means to achieve the goals
and objectives set forth in this platform. We endorse the proposals herein
stated as not mere platitudes designed to fall softly on the ears of a recep-
tive electorate, but political objectives which we wish to achieve, not for
ourselves but for the good of all mankind.
We pledge eternal hostility to tyranny over the minds of men. We encour-
age constructive dissent. We welcome the clear call of minority groups for
equal opportunity and the right to live dignified, decent lives in a free
society. Above all, we recognize that this political party exists not as a vehi-
cle for the achievement of individual goals, but to attain, under God, a life
with honor for all.
We stand for 100% of parity of income for farmers.
To gain this objective, we urge the Administration to follow practices,
policies, and programs that will reverse the trend of declining farm income
for dairy farmers. We urge the Administration to again declare that 100%
parity is the goal of its farm policy.
We deplore the recent actions and announcements of federal agencies and
dairy processors that have adversely affected farm prices at a time when full
parity appeared within reach and prevented them from rising to a level of
100% of parity.
We urge the Secretary of Agriculture to call on Congress to immediately
provide for a direct payment that will give Wisconsin dairy farmers an ade-
quate return on labor and investment.
We oppose increased imports of cheddar cheese.
We support the efforts of Senators Proxmire and Nelson as well as the
Wisconsin delegation in the House of Representatives to fight proposed cut-
backs in the special milk program for school children.
We urge that every effort be made by government at all levels to find new
outlets for our fluid milk and to remove all restraints to Wisconsin milk
moving across state lines.
We urge continued restraint in production increases brought about by
releasing crop land from retirement, because we recognize the necessity of
keeping farm prices strong at the same time production is increased to meet
increasing foreign demand.
We also urge the Congress to restore the proposed cuts in school lunch,
experiment stations, agricultural research, rural community development,
ACP funds, REA loans, and land grant university programs.
On the state level, we support a program of insuring payments to dairy
farmers for milk delivered. We support the activities of the Democratic leg-
islators in their study of this problem and urge the strengthening of dairy
security programs by requiring, among other things, that only commercial or
cash bonds or bank deposits assigned to the Department of Agriculture be
posted to cover payment. We stand for CPA audits of all dairy plants.
We support the vigorous prosecution of the antitrust law against monop-