62                         1967 WISCONSIN BOOK
Annual tax levy to equal expenses. Section 5. The legislature shall provide for an
annual tax sufficient to defray the estimated expenses of the state for each year; and
whenever the expenses of any year shall exceed the income, the legislature shall
provide for levying a tax for the ensuing year, sufficient, with other sources of income,
to pay the deficiency as well as the.estimated expenses of such ensuing year.
Public debt for extraordinary expense; taxation. Section 6. For the purpose of
defraying extraordinary expenditures the state may contract public debts (but such
debts shall never in the aggregate exceed one hundred thousand dollars). Every such
debt shall be authorized by law, for some purpose or purposes to be distinctly specified
therein; and the vote of a majority of all the members elected to each house, to be
taken by yeas and nays, shall be necessary to the passage of such law; and every
such law shall provide for levying an annual tax sufficient to pay the annual interest
of such debt and the principal within five years from the passage of such law, and
shall specially appropriate the proceeds of such taxes to the payment of such principal
and interest; and such appropriation shall not be repealed, nor the taxes be postponed
or diminished, until the principal and interest of such debt shall have been wholly paid.
Public debt for public defense. Section 7. The legislature may also borrow money
to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, or defend the state in time of war; but the
money thus raised shall be applied exclusively to the object for which the loan was
authorized, or to the repayment of the debt thereby created.
Vote on fiscal bills; quorum. Section 8. On the passage in either house of the legis-
lature of any law which imposes, continues or renews a tax, or creates a debt or
charge, or makes, continues or renews an appropriation of public or trust money, or
releases, discharges or commutes a claim or demand of the state, the question shall
be taken by yeas and nays, which shall be duly entered on the journal; and three-
fifths of all the members elected to such house shall in all such cases be required to
constitute a quorum therein.
Evidences of public debt. Section 9. No scrip, certificate, or other evidence of state
debt, whatsoever, shall be issued, except for such debts as are authorized by the sixth
and seventh sections of this article.
Internal Improvements. Section 10. The state shall never contract any debt for
works of internal improvement, or be a party in carrying on such works; but when-
ever grants of land or other property shall have been made to the state, especially
dedicated by the grant to particular works of internal improvement, the state may
carry on such particular works and shall devote thereto the avails of such grants, and
may pledge or appropriate the revenues derived from such works in aid of their
completion. Provided, that the state may appropriate money in the treasury or to be
thereafter raised by taxation for the construction or improvement of public highways
or the development, improvement and construction of airports or other aeronautical
projects or the acquisition, improvement or construction of veterans' housing or the
improvement of port facilities. Provided, that the state may appropriate moneys for
the purpose of acquiring, preserving and developing the forests of the state ; but
there shall not be appropriated under the authority of this section in any one year an
amount to exceed two-tenths of one mill of the taxable property of the state as de-
termined by the last preceding state assessment.
Jurisdiction on rivers and lakes; navigable waters. Section 1. The state shall have
concurrent jurisdiction on all rivers and lakes bordering on this state so far as such
rivers or lakes shall form a common boundary to the state and any other state or
territory now or hereafter to be formed, and bounded by the same; and the river
Mississippi and the navigable waters leading into the Mississippi and St. Lawrence,
and the carrying places between the same, shall be common highways and forever
free, as well to the inhabitants of the state as to the citizens of the United States,
without any tax, impost or duty therefor.
Territorial property. Section 2. The title to all lands and other property which
have accrued to the territory of Wisconsin by grant, gift, purchase, forfeiture, escheat
or otherwise shall vest in the state of Wisconsin.
Ultimate property in lands; escheats. Section 3. The people of the state, in their
right of sovereignty, are declared to possess the ultimate property, in and to all lands
within the jurisdiction of the state: and all lands the title to which shall fail from
a defect of heirs shall revert or escheat to the people.
Superintendent of public instruction. Section 1. The supervision of public instruc-
tion shall be vested in a state superintendent and such other officers as the legislature
shall direct; and their qualifications, powers, duties and compensation shall be pre-
scribed by law. The state superintendent shall be chosen by the qualified electors of