of the cost for local, private stocking with the provision that the public has
access for hunting and fishing.
2. Develop a similar program for the improvement of fish and wildlife
Natural Beauty
A major step in the restoration and preservation of Wisconsin's natural
beauty has been the leadership of Governor Knowles in the creation of the
Wisconsin Council on Natural Beauty and the authorization for counties to
create local councils on natural beauty as committees of the County Bqards.
We will continue to support this program as well as the program for pro-
viding scenic easements.
As a matter of policy in the stewardship of our natural resources, we
believe it is essential to maintain a careful balance between man and
nature-and between the many varied uses demanded by a rapidly growing
and recreation-minded population.
Human Affairs
A basic principle in the Republican administration has been the policy
that the public has an obligation to extend understanding and assistance to
those who may require it through misfortune or circumstances beyond their
We continue to believe, also, that the basic purpose and goals of public
welfare must always be concerned with the prevention of basic causes creat-
ing need as well as rehabilitation or restoration of disadvantaged citizens to
self-support and self-care wherever possible.
Citizens in need of assistance can be classified into two broad categories.
These are:
1. Those who are in need of assistance by reason of physical, mental or
emotional limitations; and,
2. Those who are in need of assistance by reason of lack of training,
employment, opportunity or motivation.
With regard to the first group, we intend to maintain Wisconsin's position
of leadership among the states for care and assistance, while at the same
time emphasizing therapy for restoring disabled individuals to a useful and
fuller life wherever possible.
In this field, mental health is rapidly becoming a major challenge to gov-
ernment, and we pledge a Republican administration and Legislature to con-
tinue development and improvement of programs to meet this problem.
With regard to the second group, those who are lacking in adequate skills,
training or employment opportunity, we pledge aggressive efforts to move
them back to a productive life by putting major emphasis on programs pre-
viously noted. These include:
1. Continued emphasis on economic growth to provide more and better
job opportunities;
2. Development of vocational and technical training to fit the skills
required for employment by industry;
3. Expansion of efforts in the retraining of economically displaced adults.
A third major cause of need for public assistance, especially in the field of
aid to dependent children, is broken homes. To attack this social problem,
we will give consideration to programs of public and private agencies such
as the Advisory Council on Home and Family, established by the 1963
Republican Legislature.
We also believe that a Republican Attorney General, working with the
District Attorneys, can seek to put greater emphasis on the enforcement of