jtat t 1g4T. 
Mr. Carles W. Schwartz 
12 11, Nith Avenue 
Qrcombux 1, Ohio 
De Cbsr--leo 
I thin  th.e in som    point Is yr leter of Aigst 2 and I ta 
it you wol   be wiling to run down to St. olois at the tiz    of 
the Stpnv, AoordinglY, I m aterin                 my r    vations 
to get the"  the ll4th instead of the 15th, an will p    on sp 
inga &     or more with you. I will write yu l         at    o  I 
will arrive and at what hotel I will stay, 
What I have ini ad i this. I will n      you the eesu withina 
wek. A deqs conference will suffioe as a starter. Thr         will 
doubtless be used for mo    extende oonferenoo later, but we ca 
mrry about that whe    t   tt .o   s. 
If you hav. not done so, I must yo     red Iis Hale'5 Imr&M 
&aiy to look at Jaqu e                   drawings. 
With pereorl gards 
Yours sincerely, 
Aldo ltmp014