PiSuwy birdn i - t 1 lttlo Trv vaor ouw301. T~oi1!t ! 
ael  fi1  tru-sr, o. tb fnountuiiut tiops, 
litertily,    U70 noesrt 'y~but _Itn  io-o l rnwwtpr o  h 
Alpine        . 1radeos not aven awn  buimr~        h  dipr 
boulders, quito ir fTforoint t, to 'whetheKr 'Is or in  d~'li 
tixitor or tV ir U t theu final touea^_ to the) asei  t  iUs 
behor ocrDD   i~n he lis 'apt!  inato t-.o vory £o!, of  ronxizv-,

awrnl ral it      o theen. Orly thei-itilted 11   that he 
has -Ono to, AiS w   uhi  is otnbuilt on 1Ve COolM a ok    ej 
th " noll of mwtor VR aofi  r    iyrth       ttor      Or mt-~a 
or Mlio. 
rnl 1,irdn dsart liko little r1teor ~ ~tef~e      o   t 
of  ~      is tISA yuod. btv-te pig boasoa.'oon illn ta s  of  Kcte tor-

1:v fir-trees, azmO~b a sleoi b'-(Ir-s wAll thuier out,_    frc, 
iyer thei str-ollor'  ~  aaz" dia rInto  ivrrgettuof-n 
lonue  And in the e1ni:te i4ig -l7   ofD th0111  ViWUSII' anehoes 
out sol still abys against the "-'sh1d tho-t1f h 2oncrr sds 
elcm the pizaerios lies no oof rolling madar-overod foot- 
hill1s. AtwIis t 0 t! e to See the foothillsq oiUor"2e, 
the  in Ja iY th bir as UrK     is' iodlbyasoae       in the 
nini of thAbrdl-lover 'At. t a foothill country. fWrat flomkq of 
these' rlohrigfllcyivs wadr &bout a    ;,in the s ira  s ofWa 
POO. pinion, renilm Ahe era utznAr .-Ai their wryri,s, --- 
onAlutIrgteols for aill tic ivold li"n afloofsui sie- 
boysa out on amtigtwof' aiy atawdy ftrnnn