w   have to exten& Inla., becalse some W ecies of ducks build their 
nests not on the edge of the water, but on hti, dry proud 3      distance

from the shore. Reseprch work to letermine Just wt nestin- cover each 
gpeies re&Ttires. and to just what loass  the   s Snd younp, are subject,

has not yet proreFs ed as far at in xplqn1 birds like bobvwite.  Iowa mst

determine for each of her Likes to Just what species they are adapte!, to

what extent the requirfments of those soecies are met, nd by reason of 
what factors the preeit annual crop falIs short of the popsible erop. 
The t1me is past for thinking of restoration I2 terms of just 4    s. 
ah       the dozen Iowa species constitutes a separte problpsi. 
Iova has breeding areas, especially on the Upper Mississippi 
bottoms. which stand idle, probably becesse the narticular strain or race

of birds accustomed to nesting on that area has been exter  ited. By 
what means can local breeding stocks be restored to Tich idle Marshes? 
The method of w! li        ng nd releasi-L breedin  sto    wth   e expeta

tion thA their offspriN  will join the fli ht and later return to nest, 
has never been tested. It and other means of patting ever; acre to work 
ist be t-Yly developed. 
Aurtlei and insect-borne Juvenile diease   sirnh as the one 
recently discovered in mallrd by   iRoke,   y also be found to influence

the boundaries of the breeding zones, and may nltimately prove subject to

The restoration of nesting cover for ducks will automatically 
provide wintering cover and nesting cover for pheasants and ether UplaM 
gmue. By adding winter food patches, a double service to both clasaes of

game can be provide4. 