To  r.   12inon 
Page 2 
D      There are two important obanges: I have played down the Prairie du
grouse data because I became convinced th.%t Albert's spring figures, 
at least in recent years, are not censuses at all, but simply guesses which

he supplied when asked for them. He regarded ruffed grouse as on a par with

the small uammLils on which he was expected to supply only a general 
appraisal of population level. 
The second change is the dropping of data from small areas, both in Wisconsin

and Iowa. I think we would weaken our ease by using these small areas. 
When I presented this paper at seminar, the reaction of mature and able 
research men like Bass and Riokey was that even the larger areas were far

less conclusive than Prairie du Sao. 
7indlg. When we talked over the phone, I may have given you the impression

that important differences of opinion existed. They now seem rather minor.

I favor a more tentative attitude on the mechanism of inverse gains, mainly

for the reason that sex and age data which will accrue, beginning with this

winter's bandings, will make it possible to make a much better guess at the

mechanism a few years from now. 
The only other change in findings is that I have tried to hook up inverse

gains to the cycle. 
pp. 1-3.    Arm.   Few changes, except that I have abandoned the long footnote

on financial support by years and simply listed the supporters 
without trying to say what years each of them contributed. 
pp. 3-4.    eather. Shortened. I will add the weather data for the present

winter to Figure 1 as soon as the data are available. These 
data will be of particular interest and value, because the 
winter differed so makedly from all the others. 
What do you think of adding a qualifier pargph pointing out 
that our studies fell in a warmdry period, and the findings 
might be modified with the return of cold, wet weather? 
pp. 4-5.    Censuses. I used Table 1 to try to shorten this section. 
pp. 5-11. 
pp- 13-16. 
Strcture of the Conit~'.     This is all new and becomes possible 
by reason of the additional censuses made by Hanson. The 
pyramids are based on 1941-42 rather than averages, because 
1941-42 to the only year available in many groups. 
Winter Lose. This may need revision by you. You may want to 
add or subtract references.