beavior beg" with f edorr-, elxipation of #olves #    0qM     In 1915,.

In bnr. deer tmibles lik     se o .l  he reoval of predatw. 
Artifiial fedin is no r.47 for emss deer, beaose dor do not 
stop eating ntural browse *on fed on hAy and Xmt.     On the contar, 
tho Irain on natm*Rl foods is increae  by artifieal fe. ziw. The an 
reslt of prolong" artificia    feediW, of 4er Is to pfmupelxe the herd
to elimnte those voodv plat s whih Vied mtritim       ,bmws.    Thes. ed

food plants are Voe tepl&eod % wtles oes. Meawle the deer 
detueiorte thw*     m1mtritoa    It hns boe proved by        Antal tests

that door do not matain their weigbt ark anyrtion devoi of good brows. 
The*e preympredator-food r#,Amtionships, are sot uederstood by the -,iblte,

Sconsientios citizens are int        M   oor the reducton of th   Wisconin

deeP herd, a  now slain that *tbe     mut is be'r fed to the wolvims. They

-do not realise tha,,t wolves ocur In 04lY5 6C e3 -dor 0t 01, and that there

is only one wolf for each 2,000 doer hunters. They a     it, that good doer

hunting eanea t exist on the oae terain with wolves, whereis "stor 91

the  ontary; in faOt, Seton anti-ts that in Penasylvaesa  wlf p'r 
2 square mil   existed at the time of the best doer huntin. 
For these reasos, the pubication of uthoritatve pr stud 
liko that miw given, us by Marie# is of &ret IJertaine to woond consemvata.

ac Dea hsseU 
Mr. eywift 
Mt. Fo.a