they will allow us to kill buffalo on the great plains. 
Page 136---Wolves folloT ing army. 
"Many horses died or failed during the march. Those which failed, 
being abandoned by their owners, were soon killed and devoured by 
the gang of volves which daily followed the army. 
Page 195---White Albino T1ians. 
"In this city were seen somc. thirty Albino Itians, who have, no 
doubt, given rise to the story that there is living in the Rocky 
Mountains a tribe of white aborigines. 
Page 207---Turtle and catfish in Del Narte. 
"The river was occasionally skirted by clusters and groves of alamos.

HIre the soldiers took some fine turtle and catfish out of the Del Norte

upon which they feasted sumptuously during the night. 
Page 211---Signs of game and fish. 
"At this point on the Del Norte were discovered signs of the otter,

athe catamount, the wild-cat, the racoon, the deer and the bear; also 
of the crane, the duck  the goose, the plover  and the California 
quail, dashing mt. streams filled with the finest fish 
Page 214---Game on the Gila. 
" The signs of beaver, bear, de r, aid turkey, besides the tracks of

herds of Indian horses, were plain to be seen on the sand. Here the 
soldiers took some fine fish from the river, which were of delicate 
and excellent flavor. 
Page 278---Wolves at El Paso. 
" Now, there are a great ma ywolves, which come down from the neigh-

boring mountains, into the suburbs of El Paso and kill the flocks 
when not penned in their folds, and also feed upon the offal a )out 
the shambles and slaughter pens. They kept up a dolorous serena4e 
during the nights, and in many instances were so bold as almost to drive

the sentinels from their posts.   During the night the scent of the 
offal attracted the wolves. A considerable numer of thea coming 
down from their lairs among the rocks leaped into the corral, and 
feasted sumptuously. The walls of the corral were many feet #igher 
on the inside, than on the outside, so, at day-dawn, when the wolves 
wished to retire, they could not repass the walls.