U.43-         ,The iL w e ILoups, in their rillae on the      atte, 
had o>n     f ubear, wolf.  ate    aspo        o 
ringtailed pnher.. 
Ohiefs wor these to celebrate return of a suooess, 
ttlwar party, This was in 1824. 
p, 47 - Those P wea go 60 70   miles on war paties to New KezioO 
$      explain the Jaguaar, 
;  49      .Q  it seen 1 day west of Sokin    RIvok , between ii 
and Repuboliane fork of  Casas R, 
, 50 -       O,  Buls in large herds by tmeelyee,       Sas  cow 
52           likewise, but further west on the plain     (see p. 
, 52             Herded around a shot cow so theyr killed 11. 
5. 6 -       ed   1000 large white wolves had surfsde      a herd of 
buffalo cows and calves and killed s~reral, 
;, 66 ol          Seen Spt. 4 -evidently on the Kanas. 
'. 61 -ea    Republican- Smoky divide killed a              whha 
killed and buried a bull and was~       ~ rg it fo 
the wolves, 
*    -2  W hite Be  kills member of pary, 
*o 63 -     e    ounted by Pattie in 1 day, 6 killed, on 8noky Hlll 
River near its source in Cheyenne Co., Colo, 
,73 75uDesoription of Taos. 
. 8 - Wild Goesa killed by Pattie below San Felipe Nov, 24, 1824, 
with rifles. 
* 85   Q rauire  Large herds   of stock all around Sanuta Fe adRio 
Grande~valey. No cultivated ia n, (see p.86), 
*. 86 -er     ee   T  kesin Rio Brande bottoms below Socorro, 
bea  ohaeda man into ca~ip and was killed, 
,87 .             taunt first night on Gila. 
S87 - ~        1igh  n Gila bottoms that it fatigue     trappers  a 
* 89         walking, 
. 89 .   Scarce on Gila (winter) 
* 90 -   i~ude of Mt. Sheep fou~d along bluffs of Frisoo Rivr, 
...    .also 37 beav er in 1 nulht and        * This woul 
indicate they- were pretty high up, 
* 92-4- Grizzly killed in cave at mouth of Bonito Cr, 10 gals1 ll 
ex tact ed, 
*l04 -  earand Sahuaras 16 mi, up '? River, 
,l07 -auhton Gila, 
-.l5l]26, 1826, at 3untion of Qila: "At twelve we started up 
Red River, which is between tWO and three hi ~ed 
yards wide, a deep bold stream, and the water 
this point entirely clear"-, Man beaver i 
ab0r  river, ' 
,156 - Many sheep and deer but no bear on Colo. 
.I38 -ln      ofekwhere Colo, emerges from Mts. Supai? 
13S8 -_      o       meat an   robes (had Just cone from   latte) i 
possession of Shoshonies 1 day above fork (Little 
138 - MOuth of L, ttle Cole, "On the 15th (April) we returned to 
the b   aof Red River, which is here a  e 
beaizt     stream-