Scarcity go with settlement, an    door Oame to be thogt of as 
one of the bi &ame wumls whi     -t evetally disappear from 
all but fairly wild regon. A standard fomla for 
had beo evolved an aopted In mt sMatet shoot bmaks only, 
and shorte  the open seson to fit the dLwindling sply. 
Soo  after 1910 a smal door hed oa the Kalbab Pat, 
consisti   origially of about 4,000 door. Vea     to Ices. lb. 
Iratb   lat    comprties the north tim of the Grand C   o   of the 
0.1m     oRiver in Aism. 
W      1918 i  ae e e  ware  that the  aibab der wer stripping 
their winter re of food, which consisted of the twigs nd 
foli. of the wooy plaatst     cif      e (2        ,    sae and 
juiper. An the** desirtable brows plats b~.o osastd        the 
deetreorted to lafortor (lose   mttritius) bVwws, sc as Pine 
anM oak. Th eerts ncem.ele that the herl be reduced, bat 
to laymen the idea of too esq door semed unfailar and fatastic. 
There wewe lethy bebatos, but nothing wa     done. 
In 192, after the Ibab deer bad climb" to a probable 
level of 100.000 head, c    the first of two eatastrtopi temls. 
which reduce  the haor b  60% in two witers. W     1939 the herd 
had drpped to a tent of Its peak s4so, and the Y-W      had lost 
mob of its prirrption cmyiM cacit            The Katbab area, 
which hal preosly been, a retge, was peld to beAtLg In 1924, 
but too lato to se   either the hed or the r     . 
The Ktbab tred     w   not thought of as  oniet  g     wi  wumld 
repet Itself elsewhere itil about 1926, whon the doer herd of 
2q~' 4