of bantOditie*, thn trAtiler. To hish eeks in the woods and wan 
tnin. on!ly thos things obtainable fro-! travel or golf, thef -resent 
sitio is tolerable. 1  t t-- hi who sA1!1,, sonmnthlaug moercreation 
a rnjor frnqit ration of mecanled .,ty 
Then retrea ;, of the w4ildeno  wier the barrage of notorizina tour- 
lets is "io 1oaAtin; fdson y,1  ,km Mexico, Sonthi -.rriOa ar 
- Aii"jwy $owth Vn71rio4 : Vd Siei    enext, !)raim5 alon(' the  Uhawk

~re nor honks. -Tone th  rivrers  the ord   NlO=u sn     uttr 
more unde .r his own- vliire n~d ft,; tr,-(  -puedlt hs~st~ 
the at !red  t~ivit: of toimtls. o      - tuxo  airin ;troj the  esto 
Wi&LO ther w~ to Q~tur0~ ne.4iAII  JONie ~    teo~nn 
will                            e4di~,) 
su rrawvs It   .rovch.d oIn    Iulh pont 4. ft  ed  a~ni 
P1'Ar of soiety,  %ttmvtic road.-, t31,.9r flnger itchli  to b-roi- 
if 110edt be, ovex~ law of o  at       ~  ouowa      o~      a~o~ 
1hat :ei lo e    ovterfed in          oii l~ ~pu ite Pzvi4.ity for -,_tj1rijW,

his 3m-at     ~odo. 
~~ei ii the n(ear-b- woos is 1,noiher uillair, hurtiin  rnre 
feras or now /nxblors. jiocause h    id of hiantin, fieldo- ol   for    
theft or nillAg, he dis(Dtins the dle.Yot, likef  as not, inl his 
youth  he wee one. 
,,. Ro-e nma-by resort in still  .nother ne~tr-lovr-V-ie kini who 
writes h  d ye'rs n mibirehbaxik.  rey1eis the unspresialized motorist