WIlderwes. te     xV Wv material at of hih ma has bw    4 t. a fa   t 
lale Civilizaton. 
Wltre   s  t evtr a homgeeus    w imterial. It a    very d     ",e an

Terevali     artfacs ar very divre. Ths difeee          s In th  endprouc

L" knwn as ftw.,.       Isb. ric*h diversity of th wrl's oultrw ewflects
sorrespo d l vorsut In the wilds which gave Ve  birth. 
Por the ttrt tm    In the history of the haa    -eptses, tw         a..,
,          on   is t he eation of w1        e   in the more abitable portios

ifte   lb.    The other is the woridht   yb r   ation of cutus    thog  
ir r and indutralization. Neither ba provete          and p.rbpe shul 
iot be, bat the quetion &rites whether, by som   slight amlora.tion of
mpndng -   *~s certin valuos can be presered hc wSo ld othewise be lost.

To the laoe   in the smant of his labor, the ra  stuf on his avil to aw 
Avermr to be coquered. So wa       wilderne anaadversar  to the pioneer.

DOto the laborer in repose. able for the movent to casta *loso-)hbi1 
o on his wrld, that smnfrav s4tuf  to so1intin  to be lovte ar  erisheC 
mue It givese finitionan eanin       to his life. this Is a plea for the
Pato of noun $a-Ms of wilderess, as =*u plaesfo thelb        ei    loalos

OR. on-a wish to see, feel, or study the oriin of therMw    ua 
Th. lemmas 
af Vie divert      ~ns     out of whice hvs b   hate~  AI4eLS are 
me, hem" it w pVot1      pga the Unit ares to be peered mwI 
ly In else. and in de of wildnes. 
rigM  will see ai the 14n-gss prauri. where a so& of pari 